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draak1 Posts: 193

I hope you are richt.

Becouse SE is a long time still the last time so far.The only spypicture is the T650?? from SE.

Where is the other 6???


Posted: 2004-02-23 13:38:45
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caff Posts: > 500

Are you guys sure there will be new SE phones announcement today?? How reliable is the source ??
Posted: 2004-02-23 13:39:28
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Sir-SonyEricsson-man Posts: > 500

i got the info from a friend/colege of me, he has one of the best contacts with SE norway. And he is talking with one of the guys from SE now.. So i think it will be true.. but we have to see..
Posted: 2004-02-23 13:45:46
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caff Posts: > 500

hopefully ! But I really doubt it since SE will only announce products that are ready for launch in market within 1-2 months time, doubt there will be 7 new phones !
Posted: 2004-02-23 13:47:28
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MikLSP Posts: > 500

This is exciting!!
So is it Xminutes to go or 1hr Xmins?
I can't wait! but don't get too excited in case it doesn't happen and we'd all be soooo disappointed!

This message was posted, as always, from my P800.

[ This Message was edited by: MikLSP on 2004-02-23 13:01 ]
Posted: 2004-02-23 14:00:00
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Rav250 Posts: 174

Waiting game again! This message was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2004-02-23 14:00:16
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tedsc456 Posts: 94

This is it. 14.00 here we go.

Posted: 2004-02-23 14:02:40
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Super G Posts: > 500

SonyEricsson is not even present at 3GSM world congress...[....]l=/exhibition/pages/search.asp
Posted: 2004-02-23 14:03:00
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caff Posts: > 500

I guess its better not to hope for anything ! I still think SE 's new products announcement will be few days before start of Cebit !
Posted: 2004-02-23 14:03:06
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gbrooks3 Posts: > 500

sorry to correct you super G but sony memory stick are there and Ericsson are also there.
Posted: 2004-02-23 14:09:34
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