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Sasa1 Posts: 57

Posted: 2004-09-11 22:51:58
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

I cant see them splitting at all.
Posted: 2004-09-11 22:57:30
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david1975 Posts: > 500

I never actualy said they would split i just thought i would mention i read something about se thought you lot would be interested This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:16:42
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

If it would come to a split, only sony will stay there a looser, cos /// delivered enough evidences how to make a fone. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:22:33
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

Just a rumor by a disgruntled No Kia user, who rather would bite his arm off than admitting that he would like to burry his Nokia phone in his backyard and buy . Although he would feel a lot better then.
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:29:53
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

I dont think so. He read it and where to ask it if not here? This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:35:29
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bart Posts: > 500

during the first 2 years of SE both /// and sony said that if SE wouldn't become proffitable they would split. unfortunatly (imo) SE is very proffitable. thx to a good cost reduction and good profit/sold item (phone or accesoire).
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:36:57
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

@bart they didnt reduced only the costs ;o) ... This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:50:43
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Lynx69 Posts: > 500

@boba what else did they reduce?
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:51:41
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Quality, logical features, design ... IMHO ( ! ) This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-11 23:55:36
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