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owizard Posts: 59

Hi Jan,

I have returned my HBH-15 today. I am going to wait for your Bluespoon headset. Thanks for your info and updates.
Posted: 2002-01-18 21:09:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-18 21:09, owizard wrote:
Hi Jan,

I have returned my HBH-15 today. I am going to wait for your Bluespoon headset. Thanks for your info and updates.

Your welcome Owizard

I'll post info as fast as I can

BTW: If you want to find out, just how big the headset is, or rather how small, then go into the kitchen and :

Take two tea-spoons and put them together, and you have a Bluespoon.
The covers/shells (top and bottom) will fit inside a teaspoon.

So its very small !

The "Idea" to the bluespoon, actually came from two spoons put together. And therefore the name Blue"spoon".
This is quite funny I think, and the true story of Bluespoon.



Posted: 2002-01-18 21:38:00
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rene Posts: 125

Have you guys thaught that you will be wearing a mini microwave-oven a few centimeters from your brain??

I would avoid this kind of toys and rather usee a normal HF-kit...

my 2 (Euro)cents
Posted: 2002-01-19 00:24:00
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owizard Posts: 59


I feel that Nextlink would conduct all necessary tests to ensure that the radiation levels are within permissible limits. What do you think Jan?

In some tests conducted in the UK, radiation levels while using a regular handsfree (not Bluetooth) found to be higher than normal radiation levels.
Posted: 2002-01-19 13:09:00
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zahid Posts: 73

It's way too COOL Jan.. It will surely hit the market on it's relese date.. Anyweay.. I'm from Denmark.. And i wanted to know how much it will cost in Kr.
And when it will be released her in DK!? Ofcourse when you have the info..

Posted: 2002-01-19 13:54:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-19 13:09, owizard wrote:

I feel that Nextlink would conduct all necessary tests to ensure that the radiation levels are within permissible limits. What do you think Jan?

In some tests conducted in the UK, radiation levels while using a regular handsfree (not Bluetooth) found to be higher than normal radiation levels.

Quite right OWIZARD
Nextlink is a very professional company, and of course tests have been made. Actually these things are tested all the time, and follows international standards. makes professional custom-made headset for e.g. army-special units, security, firefighters, and have done this for quite a while, and with a lot of success too

The "radiation level" of Bluetooth is at the same time very low,..a very low freqency.

There're different opinions on radiation while using handsfree. The bluetooth headsets were said to have lower level of radiation than non-bluetooth.

One other thing is,..that the Bluespoon doesnt have the "ear-plug" that ordinary headsets have.


Posted: 2002-01-19 14:43:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-19 13:54, zahid wrote:
It's way too COOL Jan.. It will surely hit the market on it's relese date.. Anyweay.. I'm from Denmark.. And i wanted to know how much it will cost in Kr.
And when it will be released her in DK!? Ofcourse when you have the info..


Thanks Zahid

I will know more about the price and release-date, in the end of january/start february.

I'll write as soon as I have more info


Posted: 2002-01-19 14:47:00
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owizard Posts: 59

Hi Jan,

The Expansys website is still showing the old image of Bluespoon prototype. May be you should send them a new image. Cheers.

Posted: 2002-01-20 15:19:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-20 15:19, owizard wrote:
Hi Jan,

The Expansys website is still showing the old image of Bluespoon prototype. May be you should send them a new image. Cheers.

OWIZARD : yes I know hehe.

Actually my CEO is invited over to Expansys here in January. And I guess the "old proto" will be exchanged for the new Bluespoon

They probably havent had time yet to update their pictures


Posted: 2002-01-20 15:24:00
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Lusipher Posts: 333

On 2002-01-19 00:24, rene wrote:
Have you guys thaught that you will be wearing a mini microwave-oven a few centimeters from your brain??

I would avoid this kind of toys and rather usee a normal HF-kit...

my 2 (Euro)cents

Yeah!!! microwaved n busted brain, served fresh, hot and with lots of ketchup!
Posted: 2002-01-21 07:34:00
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