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kenx3000 Posts: 160

they translated into this

First at all is it Sony Ericssons new smarttelefon Hermione ", as alerts interest. This do be about be one of so-called PDA - phone along with trykkfølsom display unit and clue , in additions bunch as P900 and P910. This corridor is it however adolescence as do be about be in the target group , and creation shall accordingly believable be feel both cheaper and have additional underholdningsfunksjoner than her predecessor.

web translation thingy
Posted: 2005-02-12 10:08:12
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peejay Posts: 40

Do not try this web translation ever again. I think I understood it better before the translation than after it!
Posted: 2005-02-12 10:23:12
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milmino Posts: 454

On 2005-02-12 10:08:12, kenx3000 wrote:

and creation shall accordingly believable be feel both cheaper and have additional underholdningsfunksjoner than her predecessor.

Posted: 2005-02-12 10:49:40
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gbrooks3 Posts: > 500

ah yes, dear hermione
Posted: 2005-02-12 10:55:04
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whizkidd Posts: > 500

Where do the get there strange names from? :-) This message was posted from a T230
Posted: 2005-02-12 10:57:43
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vimse Posts: 3

"Først av alt er det Sony Ericssons nye smarttelefon, "Hermione", som vekker interesse. Dette skal være en såkalt PDA-telefon med trykkfølsom skjerm og pekepenn, i samme klasse som P900 og P910. Denne gangen er det imidlertid ungdom som skal være i målgruppen, og modellen vil derfor trolig være både billigere og ha mer underholdningsfunksjoner enn sine forgjengere. "

It says:

First of all its Sony Ericssons new Smartphone, "Hermione", that catches (our) interest. It is supposed to be an so-called PDA-phone with touchscreen and pen, in the same line as P900 and P910. This time however, its youths that is the targeted group, and the model will be both cheaper (in price that is and have more entertaining functions than its predecessors.
Posted: 2005-02-12 11:35:50
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govigov Posts: > 500

Cool, thanks! And welcome to esato. This message was posted from a K500
Posted: 2005-02-12 11:38:51
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Cool, another new handset. No word on when this one will be released though is there?
Posted: 2005-02-12 12:33:34
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whizkidd Posts: > 500

That means a symbian phone cheaper than the P910? This message was posted from a T230
Posted: 2005-02-12 12:50:37
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Davo_169 Posts: > 500

these women sound hot hot hot
Posted: 2005-02-12 13:05:31
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