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DarkKrypt Posts: > 500

lets spot the difference:)

credit to sealover for such a nice design
could be my next phone or g900
food for thought all?

Posted: 2008-04-03 12:09:21
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PeterKay Posts: > 500

The only thing you've not seen is the back of the phone!

trust me its worth the wait

Posted: 2008-04-03 12:19:06
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DarkKrypt Posts: > 500

*sigh* patience is a virtue - and im believing a stranger(PeterKay lol) that the p5 is the greatest phone for this year lol
the back aye?
let me guess
5mp cam
optical zoom
xenon flash?
beats me

Posted: 2008-04-03 12:26:19
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DarkKrypt Posts: > 500

ok looking at the spy " " shots of the p5
i remembered the samsung g810

also here a comparison in size..with the p1...

and side(with n81 (17.9mm) because there isnt one of the g810 yet and the n81 is pretty much the same size..

review here at gsmarena - look at more pics compare the side views..
(this is just to get a comparison size..)
sources: gsmarena, phonearena
Posted: 2008-04-03 13:06:28
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AD Posts: > 500

If it had an optical zoom setup, that would go some way to explain why the back half is sooo thick. In which case I could forgive the design faux pas of turning an othewise sleek and ergonomic object into an out of proprtion brick......

Posted: 2008-04-03 13:32:03
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DarkKrypt Posts: > 500

another thing
fast port..
is this -the circled part- ..the slight strip of black (above the finger below the thumb)the fastport
as its not on the bottom and it might not be on the left side looks like its on the right side lol

hmm food for thought w910 size 2.6inch screen and between 16mm-18mm thick??
edit 2:
i bet its around 15mm so it beats the p1 and w960 BUT on par with m600/8
I own
K610, DS970, 880, 910(r.i.p), 4Gb M2, HPM-83, MPS-70, 200, K550, P1i

[ This Message was edited by: DarkKrypt on 2008-04-05 14:32 ]
Posted: 2008-04-05 15:26:12
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Muhammad-Oli Posts: > 500

I was wondering whether that was the fastport too! I'd say it is because there isn't one on the bottom, and so far (excluding the T250/70/80) SE has either put the fastport on the bottom or the left hand side.
Posted: 2008-04-05 15:32:46
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technical-expert Posts: > 500

P5 May feature USB Port

Posted: 2008-04-05 15:47:41
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DarkKrypt Posts: > 500[....]s/seethephone/t303?cc=ph&lc=en
what bout the size of this ??
with the size of m600/p1/w910/samsung g810
check out the shape and button layout of the t303 ?
looks a little familiar to the p5(move some of the buttons up and to the side lol) imo what you think?
..but it wont be as great looking obviously lol

thanks tech support..hmm interesting usb2.0...

I own
K610, DS970, 880, 910(r.i.p), 4Gb M2, HPM-83, MPS-70, 200, K550, P1i

[ This Message was edited by: DarkKrypt on 2008-04-05 14:50 ]
Posted: 2008-04-05 15:48:03
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DarkKrypt Posts: > 500

one more thing//call keys:
ok someones posted this a few days or so ago tranced or max_wedge im guessin lol i dont know where the original post is..but here it is again - the

blurred image of you can see in the circled area where the keys are meant to be

notice how it seems to bulge/iluminate or something
and deuxani shot

of the call keys
nice aye?
Posted: 2008-04-05 16:16:54
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