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med Posts: 277

i'm here.
Yes, as @abdo, sayed, our old trick: has been stopped by the operator,. I have found a new one. but it seems that, it work not for all mobile phone..

Do you know @abdo, the APN trick?

Don't worry! We search for another one. And we will find some things (ncha2 lah) .
Posted: 2008-12-19 00:21:00
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abdo Posts: 40

Think u @med for ur clarification and allah be with you.

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Posted: 2008-12-19 00:38:36
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Milworm Posts: 45

@med im melinium, pls can you send me your trick in PM, hawever thanx a lot

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Posted: 2008-12-19 01:08:36
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Man4war Posts: 53

Fdigits, thanks for the method of browsing via proxy however it seems not to work free of charge on my pc. I was able to configure opera 9.62 with mtn ip, type the trick@sureproxy, change page google there and try to browse. I could browse actually but not free of charge. This has called for more research on how this project. that apart, i bought zain sim recently and try hard to get gprs signal which i couldnt. Dont know what i am supposed to do.
Posted: 2008-12-19 17:43:09
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ABDONET Posts: 6

hi friends,i'am from morocco,help me! i can't know what is better: surfing with modem 3g or using phone as modem with 3g...whats is the speed for enny one?sorry i speak little english

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Posted: 2008-12-20 09:34:50
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Milworm Posts: 45

to @abdonet, i'm too from morocco, i think you get the same speed connection if yo connect your cellphone and your pc with a usb cable i want ask you how mutch this card and where do you bey it !?

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Posted: 2008-12-20 10:22:28
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ABDONET Posts: 6

@milworm USIM aviable in any agency of IAM for 60 Dh

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Posted: 2008-12-20 11:54:58
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Milworm Posts: 45

thanks a lot bro ^^

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Posted: 2008-12-20 17:41:42
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rexzero Posts: 3

Thanks Ng marami dude.
Posted: 2008-12-21 07:15:33
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dennevhyn_31 Posts: > 500

@rexzero: are you using smart? just use proxies at port 3124. it's gonna work on opera browser.
Posted: 2008-12-21 08:51:43
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