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bart Posts: > 500


desing is nowhere to be found, menu IU could've been nicer, battery performence. but most of all. INOVATION!
Posted: 2004-09-12 00:59:53
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

I was never an Ericsson fan myself, I always considered their phones to be reminiscent of cold Soviet era blobs of plastic rather than cutting edge modern innovation; in fairness their features were usually quite good though. My opinion changed when I bought my T68i, I thought, and still do, that this was the finest mobile phone ever produced.
It is extremely unlikely that Sony and Ericsson will split, they have both invested a lot of money in this partnership and it would cost them both a great deal of money to end it. SE's market share is increasing, but I believe that there is a tendency for some people to assume that they are not doing as well as they might be, this is probably true to a certain degree, but SE aim at a different section of the market than, for example, Nokia. Nokia aim their products at everyone, hence the reason most of their phones are glorified paper wieghts. Now before david1975 scrambles for his keyboard to accuse me of being an SE 'fanatic' or a Nokia 'hater' I should mention that I have owned several Nokia phones in the past, some of, which were actually rather good. The fact still remains that Nokia aims a great deal of its products at a very wide market; which includes those who are looking for a very basic phone, whether due to cost or because they do not want/need advanced features. Nokia, on the whole, produce adequate mobile phones, not usually outstanding, but adequate.
In this light I would have thought that a merger between Nokia and either of Sony or Ericsson would have been a bad idea if it were ever seriously considered. Both Sony and Ericsson produced mobile phones aimed at those who wanted and/or appreciated mobile phones with more than just standard features and whose primary motivation for buying a phone wasn't that it allowed one to put an over priced brightly coloured fascia on it.
If SE were to split I would have thought that Sony would be in a better position to continue producing mobile phones owing to the fact that it is the larger company with considerable resources behind it; although I have a feeling that its initial market would be Japan before it widened to include the rest of the world again. I would agree with boba regarding Ericsson's prospects after a split with Sony.

"I may be drunk my dear woman, but in the morning I will be sober, and you will still be ugly." WSC

[ This Message was edited by: scotsboyuk on 2004-09-12 00:47 ]
Posted: 2004-09-12 01:42:16
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david1975 Posts: > 500

Im not a nokia fan as much as i sound i just like to read and discus both views i cant see anything wrong with that and if i do sound like i favour nokia i am sorry to all se fans my brother is slowly bringing me round to liking se i always liked ericsson This message was posted from a Nokia
Posted: 2004-09-12 01:48:54
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


It is rather curious that so many SE fans were Ercisson fans rather than Sony fans. I understand that Ericsson had more mobile phones available than Sony did, but, even so, there does seem to be a huge imbalance. Personally, as I stated above, I was never a huge Ericsson fan, I did own one Ericsson phone and returned it after a few days.
Posted: 2004-09-12 01:55:43
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david1975 Posts: > 500

Im still trying to make up my mind which phone to keep the nokia 6230 or the se k700 its a tough one both have good points This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2004-09-12 02:07:14
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I have no experience of the Nokia, but I can tell you that I am very pleased with my K700i.
Posted: 2004-09-12 02:14:34
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david1975 Posts: > 500

I keep getting a problem with my k700 taking a long time loading pages on wap do you have the same problem mine is locked to orange would this be a normal problem This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2004-09-12 02:18:27
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Mine isn't on Orange and it doesn't usually take all that long to load a webpage, assuming that it isn't graphics intensive, etc You don't mention, which type of webpages it is that take so long to download, it might just be that they contain a lot of data. You might want to check whether your firmware can be upgraded or whether there is a problem with the GPRS in your area.
Posted: 2004-09-12 02:31:47
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david1975 Posts: > 500

My gprs seems to be ok its not every page just some now and again This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2004-09-12 02:35:25
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

On 2004-09-11 23:35:29, bobafett wrote:
I dont think so. He read it and where to ask it if not here?

This message was posted from a T630

Sometimes your mind can play tricks with you. We need facts or a link.
Posted: 2004-09-12 05:37:28
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