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General discussions : Rumours : Nokia Neo - iPod-featured phone?
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Flying Finn Posts: > 500

I read from a newspaper that according to Nokia, the pics represent a prototype that will not see production. I just hope they shove in a proper HD if they decide to make another music phone.
Posted: 2004-11-29 13:50:15
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pet207 Posts: 2

I'm all for ingenuity for cell phone looks, but functionally should be more important.  This is the second nokia phone that does not have number buttons.  Usability is too important to sacrifice just a look like an ipod.

[ This Message was edited by: pet207 on 2004-12-08 20:57 ]
Posted: 2004-12-08 21:56:24
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milay Posts: 20

well they could implent a bigger screen and make it a touch screen.
Posted: 2004-12-09 00:17:17
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