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kenx3000 Posts: 160

I understand scotsboyuk's point of view now. Thnx for making it clear to me now. But who in U.S. is moving to 3G? well T-Mobile won't be on for another year or two as Mobileburn said it before, but the only one left is mostly Cingular, but Cingular doesn't even support EDGE yet and 3G will be a very big step to go across. No offense, alot of people that uses phone in U.S. barely knows functions as we do here. They only Text messages, call and receive, take pictures, listen to music, and PTT(Nextel) which for me its more like basic use of phones so I think barely anyone would accept 3G network since they have no knowledge of technology as Europe and Asia market.

I got bored talking to friends that are like WHT? What's EDGE? What's GPRS? You can go on the internet with the phone? what's mp3 phones? which these questions bored me and annoys me so much. I think U.S. will most likely to be the last to move into 3G comparing to Europe and South East Asia market since Europe already has 3G and South East Asia is moving into 3G sooner than U.S.

I even see its pointless of having EDGE since they don't even know what the heck GPRS is. Rather throw it to Asia market than U.S. markets for now and later when its a big need then add it.
Posted: 2005-01-07 01:12:50
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FuricTrax Posts: 261

A simple explaination of EDGE:

So it is more of an intermediary technology?

As far as the US and 3G is concerned...they havent even sold the radio frequencies for 3G yet![....]prs/0,39020339,39182956,00.htm
Posted: 2005-01-07 01:46:32
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Western Europe doesn't have EDGE either, but that is probably more to do with the fact that the networks won't want to promote a technology, which might detract from 3G.

The U.S. market is rather behind in terms of technology, but it is catching up and the state of mobile technology in the U.S. is much better than it used to be. Where the U.S. really lags behind is in services, both Europe and Asia, especially Japan and South Korea are introducing more and more mobile based services for customers.

There has been quite a bit of discussion on the state of the American mobile market in {url=]this[/url] thread.
Posted: 2005-01-07 03:44:22
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Indiandawg Posts: > 500

Well reliance infocom in India provides 3g network and would love if SE V800 get released by them . This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2005-01-07 04:53:46
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wrecked_porsche Posts: > 500


Waja and me live within walking distance of each other ! Lor, is abour an hours driving distance away.

Here we don't have kingdoms, we have different states

Anyway, the operator who has EDGE here isn't planning for 3G anytime soon.

The two operators who are gonna promote 3G here in the next couple of months are major players and we Malaysians expect the service to cost and arm and a leg.

You see, in Europe, your phones are ruined by the branding crap, but u guys have service plans/tarrifs and you get the phones cheaper and the price you guys pay for the services are actually quite "reasonable"... Then you have that "upgrade thingy" where you extend your plan and get a new phone for cheaper/free or whatever? We don't have it here.

Well, here, ALL our phones are unlocked and we don't have any branding Voda or Cingular crap in our phones. It comes with the original firmware and functions the way its supposed to. Even if you do buy a phone from the operator, its slightly cheaper, but it'll be locked for about 1 year. Thats all. They don't mess with the firmware.
But when it comes to the telcos service itself... hahahah, that's a totally different story...

I wish we had flat rates to pay so we can send a certain number of SMSes a month or MMS... but nope, we are charged through our mouths and nosses. We don't get free sms/wap or anything...
The telcos seem complacent and don't want to fight each other.
Heck, we cant even keep our old number if we decide to switch operators...

However lately, the war betweeen them has intensified...
Good for us consumers I say. SMS prices have been falling... So are the call rates. Its a lot better than it was a couple of years back. And the government has passed a rulling that says that the users have a right to keep their old numbers should they wish to change operators. Of course there is a small fee involved I think it comes into effect latest by the end of 2005

If you asked me two years ago, I'd have said that you guys have it better, but lately, things have been looking up for us

I just wish that would release more EDGE phones soon... Or at least ONE more ... for the asian region...
Posted: 2005-01-07 06:26:37
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Isn't Malaysia made up of different kingdoms, each with its own monarch? I thought the the king was elected by and from these regional kings.
Posted: 2005-01-08 13:10:19
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kenx3000 Posts: 160

So is SE going to announce new phones? or they're going to keep it until Cebit few months away? I think Scotsboyuk is quite right now about new 3G models. Come to think of it, SE is putting up for Data Transfer like downloading and uploading this year, and except EDGE, 3G is the only way out, which means there's going to be alot of choices on EDGE and 3G model(JMO).

US won't be going into 3G yet though. Cingular just pushed out a whole mess of Samsung Models that supports EDGE. Which means in my idea is that Cingular would open EDGE plans soon. Verizon on the other hand won't be putting up 3G ofcourse since it decided to stick with its CDMA without anything new.

Asian market are all ready to move into 3G but some operator still waiting for a more suite time. Which ofcourse won't be too long from now.

Posted: 2005-01-08 19:14:55
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DragonEye Posts: > 500

On 2005-01-06 20:00:46, scotsboyuk wrote:

With respect that would only really be benefitial to those living in North America or those who travel there reguarly.

yes but isn't one chipset that does eveything better then 2 or 3 differnet chipsets...

I think south america is 850 as well.

Posted: 2005-01-12 18:26:17
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Just received this news alert in my inbox regarding exhibitors at CeBit, -

"Similarly, Sony-Ericsson exhibited a camera phone that was less a handset with an added camera feature than a Sony digital still camera that had morphed into a phone."[....]ticle.jhtml?articleID=57702514

What the hell was that, was it just the S700i?
Posted: 2005-02-03 11:51:49
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pinolo77 Posts: 390

I think that SE is not releasing any more 3Gs soon.. Or at least will not be releasing a line-up of 3G phones. The reason, in my opinion, is that companies are still looking in which direction the market is moving. What do people expect from 3 G phones? No one knows for sure at this time. So why release anything newer than the V800 when you do not know what you are supposed to put in the phone?

Another thing is that the share of people that are switching to 3G is still too slow to justify a big investment in such phones. A flagship model (V800) has been placed, but now they are waiting and watching...
Also, the big thing about 3G will be content... (video, music, you name it!) and this implies a new design in software, that allows third parties (sw houses, operators, etc) to create products for the phones.

The market is evolving and no one is quite sure in which direction. For this reason SE, in my opinion, will wait a little more before coming out with new 3G phones. And in the meantime they might invest money and resources to create contacts with service providers to offer something in their phones.
Think about it as a computer with internet connection... What is the point in having a PentiumIV 3GHz with DSL connection if you are running windows 95 and playing solitaire on it??

That of course is just an opinion, not supported by any major rumors or whatever. (I might also be completely wrong (for the first time in my life eh eh)).
But in my opinion it makes sense... Also, consider the V800 also as a test for a stronger relationship between SE and an operator. I think they also wanted to test what it looks like to cooperate (brand phones) and maybe have a better access to market intelligence... (Voda sales figures, what customers want, complaint handling and so forth).

Posted: 2005-02-03 13:39:02
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