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Coxy Posts: > 500

I think what Dyce is saying is that we are more likely to see a Sony Nokia/ Nokia Sony, if Sony were to take over. Either way I think it is a big mistake. Both parties have profited greatly from this new partnership, more so Ericsson.
Posted: 2006-02-27 17:53:17
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Evilsummer Posts: 236

I think you are completly wrong saying that sony has been a big part of SE... Sure Ericsson made ugly\boring phones for a while there but that changed BEFORE the merge with sony. Take for example the T68 that was a huge sucess and i think most would agree that its a beautiful phone. it came out before the SE era.. and also the T610 was already in prototype testing before the SE time keep in mind that it takes many months to develop a new model.
I have asked SE people that i know what they think sony has contributed with most. And the first answer all of them gave was money! Ericsson needed cash as the mobile division and the entire company was losing money at an alarming rate. and after that its just details like memorystick (could just as easy use a different format) and the jogdial of the P series. The only important thing i can think of besides money that sony has given to SE is the Walkman name and that could have been licensed whitout the merger (remember that the walkman division of sony is not going very well at the moment)

[ This Message was edited by: Evilsummer on 2006-02-27 17:38 ]
Posted: 2006-02-27 18:37:09
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Coxy Posts: > 500

Well without the money supplied by Sony, there would be no more Ericsson mobiles, or even Sony Ericsson. I think it is obvious that the merge saved Ericsson, which is a good thing.

To say that the Walkman is not doing well is ludocrous. It has been the most succesful move has made! They have made lots of money from it and have sold many millions of handsets.
Posted: 2006-02-27 18:55:03
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bart Posts: > 500

so sony gave money and a very expencive MSD & MSM(icro) and gave the CEO job to one of their own employees. not a bad one, but it could be better.

the only good thing appart from the money is the walkman name and maby the introduction of swivel phones like the W900i and yes the jogdial is indeed very handy.

still sony lauched bluetooth headsets under its own name. not a logical idea in my eyes.

if ericsson wants to take over SE will know in the next 6months.
Posted: 2006-02-27 18:57:32
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Coxy Posts: > 500

I really can't see this happening to be honest. Unless they stick with the SE name etc and try and license everything from Sony. But when you think about it, Sony rescued Ericsson, so they will be like the almighty powerfull one who (kinda) desides on quite a lot of things, in my eyes anyway.

Plus with upcoming phones like Wilma, Evita, Mulan, Jing etc it would seem like a bad move to me.
Posted: 2006-02-27 19:00:36
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DeLa Posts: > 500

And there's also the asian market, which is totally different from EU/US. I think E would not have gained ground there without S. Apparently they're succesfull there and a lot of new stuff from there is introduced in them phones over here. Afterwards.

The bigger the picture, the harder to think out of it. And yet, the grounds decisions like these are actually based on are usually horrifying simple.
Posted: 2006-02-27 20:10:14
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S4k1s Posts: > 500

On 2006-02-27 18:55:03, coxy wrote:
Well without the money supplied by Sony, there would be no more Ericsson mobiles, or even Sony Ericsson. I think it is obvious that the merge saved Ericsson, which is a good thing.

To say that the Walkman is not doing well is ludocrous. It has been the most succesful move has made! They have made lots of money from it and have sold many millions of handsets.

On 2006-02-27 19:00:36, coxy wrote:
I really can't see this happening to be honest. Unless they stick with the SE name etc and try and license everything from Sony. But when you think about it, Sony rescued Ericsson, so they will be like the almighty powerfull one who (kinda) desides on quite a lot of things, in my eyes anyway.

Plus with upcoming phones like Wilma, Evita, Mulan, Jing etc it would seem like a bad move to me.

I have some problems with the facts in your last posts coxy...

"Well without the money supplied by Sony, there would be no more Ericsson mobiles, or even Sony Ericsson."
If this is true, [wich I don't thint] then you forgot to add Sony to the list.

"I think it is obvious that the merge saved Ericsson, which is a good thing."
It might have saved Ericsson's mobile handset department. You should have in mind that the mobile handset unit in Ericsson was just a small part of the company.

"To say that the Walkman is not doing well is ludocrous."
Evilsummer talked about the "walkman division of sony", we are talking about Sony here not SE. This is 100% true. The walkman brand was pretty dead the last years, having almost 0 value against iPOD, ZEN, iRIVER,JOS.

"Unless they stick with the SE name etc and try and license everything from Sony." If Ericsson buy SE then they can buy all trademarks attached to it and also all included deals.

And now the final part...
"But when you think about it, Sony rescued Ericsson, so they will be like the almighty powerfull one who (kinda) desides on quite a lot of things, in my eyes anyway."

Are you kidding me? in what way did Sony rescue Ericsson? We can play it the other way around. Ericsson saved Sony! or we can see it for what it really is, a new company owned 50% by two other companies.
Neither Sony or Ericsson is the almighty one. Both own 50% each. This means Sony don't deside more than Ericsson.

If it wasn't for the merge, both Sony's and Ericsson's mobile handset units would have [probably] closed down.

Back then both needed each other to survive.
Did good things come out from it? Yes.
Did bad things come out from it? Yes.

Some while ago there were rumours that Sony will drop out of SE if SE is not top 3 in 2008. Now we hear that Ericsson will buy the whole brand.
Same thing different paint...

I think Motorola will buy SE and then Nokia will buy Motorola and then Toyota will buy Nokia.

Now here u have a serious rumour to talk about...
Edit: spelling :]

[ This Message was edited by: S4k1s on 2006-02-28 00:24 ]
Posted: 2006-02-27 20:59:47
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jack00 Posts: > 500

i can hardly imagine that this is true
bove companies have invested heavily in the deal and the brand is finally getting more and more popular
and sony is very happy that the walkman brand sells like hot cakes
but i also know that sony is under reconstruction and that they are selling some departments simply because they don't sell (Qualia for example)
i don't think that the brand would survive another big change, it would be probably lethal

Posted: 2006-02-27 21:04:26
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Coxy Posts: > 500

On 2006-02-27 20:59:47, S4k1s wrote:
I have some problems with the facts in your last posts coxy...

"Well without the money supplied by Sony, there would be no more Ericsson mobiles, or even Sony Ericsson."
If this is true, [wich I don't thint] then you forgot to add Sony to the list.

"I think it is obvious that the merge saved Ericsson, which is a good thing."
It might have saved Ericsson's mobile handset department. You should have in mind that the mobile handset unit in Ericsson was just a small part of the company.

"To say that the Walkman is not doing well is ludocrous."
Evilsummer talked about the "walkman division of sony", we are talking about Sony here not SE. This is 100% true. The walkman brand was pretty dead the last years, having almost 0 value against iPOD, ZEN, iRIVER,JOS.

"Unless they stick with the SE name etc and try and license everything from Sony." If Ericsson buy SE then they can buy all trademarks attached to it and also all included deals.

And not the final part...
"But when you think about it, Sony rescued Ericsson, so they will be like the almighty powerfull one who (kinda) desides on quite a lot of things, in my eyes anyway."

Are you kidding me? in what way did Sony rescue Ericsson? We can play it the other way around. Ericsson saved Sony! or we can see it for what it really is, a new company owned 50% buy two other companies.
Neither Sony or Ericsson is the almighty one. Both own 50% each. This means Sony don't deside more than Ericsson.

If it wasn't for the merge, both Sony's and Ericsson's mobile handset units would have [probably] closed down.

Back then both needed each other to survive.
Did good things come out from it? Yes.
Did bad things come out from it? Yes.

Some while ago there were rumours that Sony will drop out of SE if SE is not top 3 in 2008. Now we hear that Ericsson will buy the whole brand.
Same thing different paint...

I think Motorola will buy SE and then Nokia will buy Motorola and then Toyota will buy Nokia.

Now here u have a serious rumour to talk about...

I agree Sony mobiles would also probably have dissapeared.

When I said Sony saved Ericsson, I meant in the mobile department, which they did.

If the other guy was talking about Sony as an individual company then I agree, the Walkman is not doing well. But for it is doing extremely well.

Ericsson may be able to buy trademarks, but I very much doubt they would buy Walkman off Sony for example!

I was purely talking about the mobiles in my posts. Sony's money saved Ericsson mobiles, and yes probably Sony mobiles too.

Posted: 2006-02-27 21:12:07
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Gigs Posts: > 500

It's pretty widely known that Ericssons mobile division was a big loss maker, mainly because it had so much fat about it and the products being sold weren't enough to support it.

So if sony is some big bad company, they helped ericsson still have a hand in and make mobile phones, without the cash and the merge ericsson more than likely would have either folded its mobile division or possibly had it bought out by a competitor it wouldn't want as a partner.

TBH I doubt either company will by their partner out at all. Doesn't this sort of rumour go around every 6 months or so?

Posted: 2006-02-27 21:27:12
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