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bavlondon2 Posts: > 500

Anyone know if the video recordin will be higher than qcif ?
Posted: 2006-05-17 20:00:18
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deuxani Posts: > 500

We will know tomorrow
Posted: 2006-05-17 20:11:43
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munkimatt Posts: 29

is it just me, or does that phone really not appeal at all???

still, im bloody excited about tommorrow, I feel like I'm 10 again and its Christmas Eve
Posted: 2006-05-17 20:25:45
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DeLa Posts: > 500

Always the same here when new models are leaked:

* judged on bad "spy pics", they look bad;
* no matter what feature is put in, it is never the best available; therefore the phone is not what was hoped for;
* other manufacturers always have one phone which is performing better for one selected point; therefore, SE is "losing it";
* if it looks like the phone is a brother or sister from another one, SE is accused of doing it the Nokia way;

etc. etc. The brand loyalty of SE customers must be one of the highest market researchers can find, but man oh man, it has some ugly sides too.

Sorry, had to get it of my chest, because what is really annoying is that by the time announced phones finally arrive in the stores - and are twice the price they'll be half a year later - the sucessors are announced. So e.g. the W810 I want to buy after the summer is outdated ALREADY and I haven't even seen one in reality.
Posted: 2006-05-17 21:00:56
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slass Posts: 87

hmm, I wonder if the orange bar is a Walkman button?
Or maybe it has diods flashing to the music?
Maybe both?
Posted: 2006-05-17 23:21:29
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jmcomms Posts: > 500

A lot of the moans from SE/Nokia/Motorola/Samsung etc fanboys are down to jealousy. Even though the new product could be 3-6 months away, if it's better than the phone currently owned - it's obviously a bad thing.

It's okay to want more, and demand more, but when the product arrives - oh, no, I no longer have the coolest phone.

In order to justify why the currently owned/available product is better, you then look for something that isn't great (an odd coloured button, the lack of a 20GB memory card, the headphones being black, not grey etc) and say that SE are losing to the competition.

Of course, it's impossible to play that game unless you buy EVERY new gadget and gizmo at full cost on the first day of release (and for phones that means SIM-free, which can cost an arm and a leg).

Don't worry though - it happens with everything. Take a look on any car forum, and see what people say about a new version of their car. Before it's even built, it's a step backwards.. then in a few years, when the car is mainstream and people have traded up, it's the next best thing - at least until those spy shots start appearing of the next one...

Jonathan Morris
Technology Editor, What Mobile magazine - the UK's leading mobile phone and gadget magazine

[ This Message was edited by: jmcomms on 2006-05-17 22:46 ]
Posted: 2006-05-17 23:45:11
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arj2442 Posts: 308

Hehe..we r all children again....i know it's pretty sad isn't it lol...

Can't wait for tomorrow:D

Posted: 2006-05-17 23:54:06
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BFassassin Posts: 89

any times for these press releases
Posted: 2006-05-17 23:59:12
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jmcomms Posts: > 500

Nor me. I'm actually getting a heads up at lunchtime on the new products, but will probably have to sign a NDA until the evening event.

I can't wait to see the comments; "It's a disappointment", "It's my next phone", "They've just copied XXXX", "Where can I buy it", "Someone is already selling 200 of them on eBay for just $50 each"....
Posted: 2006-05-17 23:59:59
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ThreeX Posts: > 500

On 2006-05-16 17:13:00, nokiamaniax wrote:
Yuck! Very ugly design! Se at least should hire nokia mobile fone designer!

Maybe they can hire the guys who designed Nokias godawful 2004 lineup cheap? That is, if they weren´t all shot. *like they bloody well ought to be*

Happy owner of: Ericsson GH198, S868, SH888, R310s, T10s, T28s, A2618s, T39m x2, T68m, T66, SE t68i, T610, S700i, Nokia 2110i, 6210, 8310, 8850, 8890 and 6680 Siemens S55

[ This Message was edited by: ThreeX on 2006-05-17 23:04 ]
Posted: 2006-05-18 00:02:15
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