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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500

On 2004-09-15 03:56:26, Talez wrote:

You're joking aren't you?

At the risk of inflaming any resident LG and NEC fanboys, I've actually got a Z1010 and it craps all over every other 3G phone available here. The only problems with it are the size (which I personally can't see the problem with) and the camera being on the bottom instead of on the lid.

I should perhaps clarify my comments for you; the Z1010 is outdated in terms of marketability. Whilst the Z1010 does have an impressive array of features and is better than many current 3G handsets, it has taken so long to be released, here in the UK, that it will almost certainly be eclipsed by the newer models being released in the very near future. The reason for this is actually quite shallow; size. The Z1010 is, as you pointed out yourself, is not exactly the most petite of phones and whilst you may not have a problem with it, Joe Public, when comparing it to an LG 8110 or 8120 will almost certainly choose the LG.
The public has become used to small GSM mobiles and this is no more apparent than in the case of the LG 8110. Here in the UK there has been glowing report after glowing report about the LG 8110; most of, which focus on its size. I happen to think the LG 8110 is a superb handset, although I would choose the Z1010 over it based on features. The Z1010 could have 'swept the board', so to speak, in the UK if it had been released when it was supposed to, at the beginning of 2004.
I don't think the Z1010 will do badly, but it certainly won't do anywhere near as well as it had the potential for. It is a shame because, by all indications, it appears to be a good handset, just a little too late.


It certainly would be nice to have the option of buying a more powerful battery.
Posted: 2004-09-15 14:43:43
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benrk Posts: 31

I don't see the problem @ another 4digit Pseries phone beeing released now; together w/ a rumored non smartphone symbian device it will make up a pretty straight product line, as all 3 devices will differ very in price & features.
A not yet really started ad-campaign for p910 might be an advice in that direction, waiting for the line up to be complete & advertise it then makes sense to me...
Posted: 2004-09-15 16:12:05
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I may of course be wrong, but I just don't see SE announcing a new smartphone before Christmas. Trying to sell two products aimed at the same market, with one being, presumably, superior to the other, just doesn't make economical sense.
Posted: 2004-09-15 16:18:38
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benrk Posts: 31

We all may of course be wrong except for the ones who know
but what is the sense of a z200 or k500 when k700 is sold for almost nothing about 3 weeks after it hit the market?
A 3G smartphone along w/ a GSM smartphone makes sense to me.
Posted: 2004-09-15 16:26:06
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benrk Posts: 31

I still am confused about the date of this anouncement, originaly 19th was said, which does't make sense as it is a sunday, then a Thursday was mentioned, can anybody please clarify??????
Posted: 2004-09-15 16:30:54
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I can see your point, but I still think it would be a poor decision economically. Whether or not the P100 is 3G, it would still represent direct competition for the P910. If the P1000 is 3G then that is an even bigger reason for not announcing\releasing it until next year. European 3G networks are only really beginning to take off, some countries don't even have nay 3g networks at all yet; to release an expensive 3G product into such an environemnt would be foolish in my opinion. If SE's next smartphone is 3G then I would have thought that they would want to wait until 3G has become more established first.
Posted: 2004-09-15 16:42:51
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Aivar Posts: > 500

I suggest SE to make first 4-band GSM-phone (850, 900, 1800 and 1900 MHZ). GSM 850 is rising in America and for travellers it's good to have phone which "can speak four languages".

Of course, 5-band phone (including 3G) would be even more better. But maybe it is too difficult to make as there are no 5-band phone in the world yet. At the same time Motorola continues making 4-band phones.
Posted: 2004-09-15 16:49:07
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I'm sure I read recently that there is a dual mobile capable of operating on both GSM and UMTS networks. I can't recall the details, perhaps someone else knows more about this.
Posted: 2004-09-15 17:16:22
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ts_666 Posts: 301

most 3g mobiles are so-called "dual-band" thats why they work for calls outside umts coverage areas (assuming the area is covered by gsm of course!)
Posted: 2004-09-15 19:07:46
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benrk Posts: 31

@ ts_666

What you probably mean is dual-mode?

most of the current 3G's are dual-mode, but only dual-band 900/1800, even z1010.
I also noticed that, I wouldn't want to`'organize' 2 additional phones, which both need to be set up when travelling to america now, there should be at least a 'world' dual-band 900/1900, though a triple or even quad-band would be much smarter
Posted: 2004-09-15 19:22:05
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