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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-21 18:44, svenbocklandt wrote:
Hey Jan, now the next thing your company has to design is a tiny digital camera with bluetooth, being nothing but the lense and bluetooth chip. Make it so we can view the live moving image on our T68 when taking pictures...
I'm preordering one already

Hehe,..someone actually asked me almost the same question earlier on.
I am gonna talk to the bluetooth-engineers about this, and another "thing".

It might not be that impossible to do.

We do have a lot of "weird" ideas about bluetooth, and how it could be used.

I'll try and ask them


Posted: 2002-01-21 19:45:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

Hi Jan.

I contacted the Norwegian website DinSide( They are soon going to write and test a lot of bluetooth devices and when I heard that, I sent them an email where I told them about the Bluespoon. is one of the most visited sites here in Norway. A lot of materials about cars, computers, gas-prices, personal economy +++ A very good site for comsumers! I recieved a reply on my mail and they say that the product looked very good and they probably will take it in their "bluetooth-testpanel". The guy that replied my mail, said that he was going to contact Nextlink tomorrow and try to get a test-device. What do you think? Is it possible for the press to test the Bluespoon? If more people in Norway knew about this device, I'm sure that you are going to sell A LOT!!! That guy from is Thomas Marynowski. If you get the Bluespoon out to the visitors of, I'm sure that you will do well here in Norway. What do you think?
Posted: 2002-01-21 20:29:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

How many pre-orders have you got till now, Jan? It's certainly over 50 now I think Good work!
Posted: 2002-01-21 20:38:00
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trancedancer Posts: 206

Here in Sweden too!
We can't wait to get our hands on the Bluespoon!!!!!!
Posted: 2002-01-21 20:42:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

Hi again Jan.

I have also told IT-avisen ( about Bluespoon. They are also VERY positive!
Posted: 2002-01-21 20:46:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-21 20:29, johanch wrote:
Hi Jan.

I contacted the Norwegian website DinSide( They are soon going to write and test a lot of bluetooth devices and when I heard that, I sent them an email where I told them about the Bluespoon. is one of the most visited sites here in Norway. A lot of materials about cars, computers, gas-prices, personal economy +++ A very good site for comsumers! I recieved a reply on my mail and they say that the product looked very good and they probably will take it in their "bluetooth-testpanel". The guy that replied my mail, said that he was going to contact Nextlink tomorrow and try to get a test-device. What do you think? Is it possible for the press to test the Bluespoon? If more people in Norway knew about this device, I'm sure that you are going to sell A LOT!!! That guy from is Thomas Marynowski. If you get the Bluespoon out to the visitors of, I'm sure that you will do well here in Norway. What do you think?

Hi Johan

That sounds neat, thanks !

I think the press will be able to test it, if not right now, then very soon.

Of course we would like as many magazines/websites all over the world, to test/review the Bluespoon. And yes, the more people know of it, the better

I think we will do well in Norway too. And Sweden for that matter.

I'm not really sure, which places in the world, will sell most of the devices.
I hope all of them !
We wanna sell worldwide, and offer the Bluespoon to everyone, not just one market.

People should have the oppotunity to purchase the Bluespoon in their home-country. It might not be realistic in the beginning, but we're working on it

Thanks again for telling about us


Posted: 2002-01-21 20:59:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-21 20:46, johanch wrote:
Hi again Jan.

I have also told IT-avisen ( about Bluespoon. They are also VERY positive!

Hey Johan,..thanks again

Maybe I should hire you, hehe.


Posted: 2002-01-21 21:00:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-21 20:38, johanch wrote:
How many pre-orders have you got till now, Jan? It's certainly over 50 now I think Good work!

Yep Johan, going up day by day

Expansys are taking in quite a few, hehe.

Posted: 2002-01-21 21:02:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

On 2002-01-21 20:42, trancedancer wrote:
Here in Sweden too!
We can't wait to get our hands on the Bluespoon!!!!!!

Neither can I

I would love to see it in the stores tomorrow,..unfortunately things dont work that way, hehe.

We are really working on it,..and fast too


Posted: 2002-01-21 21:06:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

I can't wait! Hope it will be out very soon! But don't work too fast either, the bluespoon have to be a high quality product! I have contacted two more websites, and they are all thrilled! I think Nextlink will recieve some calls from Norway the next few days
Posted: 2002-01-21 21:28:00
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