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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

. . . my PC's mouse nor my keyboard just ran out of - oil!

Good things comes in twos, but what I like is . . . .
Posted: 2005-05-16 15:56:25
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Alf Nif Posts: 426

...when bad things comes in threes.

Fee Fy Fo Fom, I smell...
Posted: 2005-05-16 18:47:06
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mrao Posts: > 500

the aroma of freshly brewed coffee.

Sony Ericsson should..
Posted: 2005-05-16 18:48:00
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Qoastro Posts: 447

...not make toilet-paper, people would become confused

The higher you go...
Posted: 2005-05-16 19:59:06
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k4m!k4ze Posts: > 500

...the more bones you break when you fall

A clever enemy is better than....
Posted: 2005-05-16 20:43:06
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... than an imbecile for a consultant.

If I were in your shoe ...
Posted: 2005-05-17 04:20:20
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*Jojo* Posts: > 500

. . . it should be a Ferragamo or it won't fit.

Sometimes when we touch . . . .
Posted: 2005-05-17 04:23:15
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mrao Posts: > 500

we should wear gloves.
Necessity is...
Posted: 2005-05-17 06:07:00
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... the mother of genetic engineering.

Don't be afraid of going slowly but be afraid of ...
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:02:36
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mrao Posts: > 500

falling asleep while goin slowly.
Osama bin laden said....
Posted: 2005-05-17 08:08:00
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