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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Put an r520 and a sony launched in the same year next to each other... This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-12 23:13:18
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


Can I have the Sony please?
Posted: 2004-09-12 23:15:51
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

put a nokia and a kyocera produced in the same year next to one another...

Put a sheep and a goat bron in the same year next to one another....... whilst today we're not dealing with either one

what is your point?
Posted: 2004-09-12 23:17:12
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bart Posts: > 500

i don't work for /// (sadly) but i know alot from people who work/worked there.

oyea vlammetje ericsson is still doing more then you think in the background. example remember when the news got a out that ericsson would make bluetooth home phones for BT?...
Posted: 2004-09-12 23:24:26
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

ericsson exist as a company but they do not produce mobile phones anymore. I know all that but hey... guess what.... it does not bother me!
Posted: 2004-09-12 23:29:05
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


I'm not too sure the Ericsson bosses would have liked to know that their staff were leaking company R&D projects to people with no official involvement in the company.
At any rate, I don't see that this discussion is actually going anywhere. There seems to be a desire in certain quarters to undermine Sony, why this would be I am not too sure; surely we should be focusing on the current situation rather than the track record of either company.
Posted: 2004-09-12 23:29:38
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

@scotty of course, cos then i have the /// ;o) vlammetje: we dont discuss here other brands and i can compare what i had in my hand and experienced with. Past is past, thats right, but aslong my oldies do fit my everyday use, i may have the right to make here a bit 'advertisement' for my favourite brand and tell my opinion of the present. Nobody get hurt by it. Sony is for me a middle-class co, never was a fan of their products. This message was posted from a T630
Posted: 2004-09-13 00:35:43
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david1975 Posts: > 500

Didnt think i would create such a frenzy with this post got you all talking though i think se have done a very good job and will continue to do so didnt think i would get so many replys as you can see im using a k700 to post this This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2004-09-13 01:48:34
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bart Posts: > 500

one of the bosses of /// knows about me. and he trusts me that i don't go spreading the info that i know. he's a true /// him self and he promised me he'll try to do everything he can to get the home product line and other lines back.

i like sony as brand of hifi/tv/discman and other stuff. but i find that you can have the same technology for less money just with another logo on it. sure sony is good, although service could be better, products should be cheaper and more inovation.
Posted: 2004-09-13 12:13:17
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methylated_spirit Posts: > 500

When ericsson made phones and sony made phones, sony phones were so much better. Ericsson were seen as cheap, scond-rate, difficult menu systems,uneccessarily cluttered and fiddly. And they had been designing them for years. Sony only had 2 or 3 mobiles out, but they really did their homework, they were small, light, easy to use, good looking, straightforward, and still packed with features.

I stand by what i said earlier, ericsson need sony, but sony dont need ericsson.

Hello, Scroto!


[ This Message was edited by: methylated_spirit on 2004-09-13 11:26 ]
Posted: 2004-09-13 12:25:49
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