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Bjerkebanen Posts: > 500

is like comparing peeing to diareeah!
However diareeah has its sides for exsample this one time............
Posted: 2005-06-13 04:23:32
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211 the last time you will be with

It is too good to......
Posted: 2005-06-13 05:24:14
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mrao Posts: > 500

to say yes when you wanna say no.

Great minds...
Posted: 2005-06-13 05:31:36
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211

....think better than slower ones

Keep in good posture else....
Posted: 2005-06-13 05:59:46
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mrao Posts: > 500

you'll have trouble having sex.

A healthy body is a sure indication of ..
Posted: 2005-06-13 06:03:17
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211 living a long life

Frustration is the sigh of.....
Posted: 2005-06-13 06:33:58
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... relief from constipation.

Eating bacon-and-egg sandwich in the morning ...
Posted: 2005-06-13 08:51:18
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211 can skip the lunch

If you skip the lunch....
Posted: 2005-06-13 12:30:23
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Alf Nif Posts: 426 have to eaten a bacon-and-egg sandwich.

Ready or not, here...
Posted: 2005-06-13 13:19:00
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211

....everyone posts really good.

If i am right here......
Posted: 2005-06-13 13:24:03
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