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Manufacturer Discussion : Nokia : Nokia X6 Dust in Screen
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phonecrzy Posts: 478

On 2010-06-02 03:11:00, Bonovox wrote:
Well if it goes wrong Sony Ericsson can replace the battery or repair service. The thing I worry about is if it freezes and you cannot turn it off. Would you have to wait for the battery to die? They must be confident

Thats happened to me over 15 times on all my iPods, even my shiny iPod Touch. It freezes and you have to wait until the battery dies then recharge it, and for a phone i think thats bad, because people need there phones just in case of the worse.
Posted: 2010-06-02 15:38:03
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Oh dear thats not very good having a built in battery :/
Posted: 2010-06-03 02:53:35
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