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Arre Posts: 99

Hi everyone.
Canīt wait! I hope SE will announce it 21 october.
itīs really good looking. I cant tell you more.
Well i can, but Iīm afraid to. Sorry

Berra has seen the phone.
If itīs not presented this year, then we have to wait until SE:s conferece the days before cebit.

Stay tuned everybody!

Posted: 2003-10-19 15:02:58
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berra Posts: 10

Hello...i'm now going to answer vinnieza's question: A rugged phone is a phone like the R310 and stands against dust and have waterproof and some more functions and the phone is "rugged", anyway i'm happy to see that arre has find his way to the computer again..=)
cheers man!

stay tuned everyone..and remember while i'm gone do not buy a Nokia..haha

If you don't have a SonyEricsson...get one!

[ This Message was edited by: berra on 2003-10-20 15:49 ]
Posted: 2003-10-20 16:48:14
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MartinZ Posts: 104

On 2003-10-19 15:02:58, Arre wrote:
Berra has seen the phone.
If itīs not presented this year, then we have to wait until SE:s conferece the days before cebit.

When is that conference?
Posted: 2003-11-02 09:47:37
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mkt Posts: > 500

I get this strange feeling that Arre and berra is the same poster.
Posted: 2003-11-29 13:26:28
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"Hacker" Posts: 192

And me too,because Arre and berra are having simmilar names - with double 'r'.And they are taking something like a conversateion,like Quote:...Arre showed me the phone..not on a picture..he showed me the real..!!! What do you think?I forgot.See their user data.Their both interests are 'Mobile Phones'.

Is there another life?!Yes,of course - WWW!!!

[ This Message was edited by: on 2003-11-30 01:09 ]
Posted: 2003-11-30 02:03:53
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Caveman Posts: 168

If you reverse 'berra' you get 'arre b'
Posted: 2004-01-02 13:42:00
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Neil Chen Posts: 72

Well its now a long time since the beginning of the rugged phone rumor - any more on it? Personaly I would love one, started on mobiles with a Ericsson A1018s, T20, Sony J5, R310, R520 and finally onto a T610.
Have to say though the R310 nearly put me off buying another ericsson ever again, it was slow to operate, had many bugs and the Staff at Celectica were incompetent at best and diabolical at worst - on one accastion they promised to send me a new handset only for the faulty one to be returned to me. Only when the handset got sent back would they believe me!!!
In anycase, I'm not interested in buying a rugged phone unless its a tough as the R310, we're talking WL GORE membranes to keep water out - nothing less than that would satisfy me. I think leave out the memory stick slot - sounds like another potential source for weekness.
Posted: 2004-01-04 23:46:42
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mmsman Posts: > 500

I think the rumour was complet bull.....
Arre and berra were obviously the same person,
and still no info on a new rugged phone so i guess this was just a lie to atrract people's attention.....
Posted: 2004-01-04 23:56:35
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eric2004ut Posts: 54

Doesnt rumours mean SOME TRUTH? This message was posted from a T610
Posted: 2004-01-05 01:56:33
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Arre Posts: 99

hi everyone.
Please stop the bullshit! You know tat Iīm not the same person as berra.
he is just a good friend of mine. In fact berra is just his nick-name.
And for you who doubt, I can say that ALL that I have written is true.
But you know what? SE makes alot of concept phones and most of them never goes into production.
I am honest when I say that I HAVE SEEN THE S220!
It exists! BUt it will probably nver hit the market. Iīm sorry for wasting your time guys. I was just trying to share my Info.
P.S There is still a small chance that SE will surprise you and present it in the pressconference before Cebit togheter with Z300 and T650.
Stay Tuned.
// Arre
By the way Do you guys remember that I wrote about a phone called T520? I can unveil that itīs anothe code name for T650! Yes its true! Its the same phone. Compare the specs I gave you with Goldoraks!
What do you say now? Bullshit??
I can tell you that when the phone hits the market it wont be called T650, neither T520.

[ This Message was edited by: Arre on 2004-01-11 18:52 ]
Posted: 2004-01-11 19:41:54
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