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benrk Posts: 31

In the beginning of page 5 everything is said about possible pressconferences!
Posted: 2004-09-19 18:43:12
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wevek Posts: 126

ummm...the silence is defening...19th gone tomo's the d-day ? I hope so...waiting for a new clamshell !!! I hope its the new Z700
Posted: 2004-09-19 23:22:49
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Residentevil Posts: > 500

I would rather see that drastically improves the fw/quality of their phones and then roles up the field from the back first, instead of trying to catch up with competitiors and announcing and releasing phones prematurely. I think takes way too long between announcements and actual release compared to the competition.
So I like to hear an annoucement about new solid FW for P800/900/, K700i and others.
Posted: 2004-09-20 02:03:22
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caff Posts: > 500

When is Eldar from confirm the date of the SE products announcement??? This week??
Posted: 2004-09-20 02:11:56
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mrMobile Posts: 64

I think Eldar said its going to be on 19th but sadly it didnt happened. Yes if its going to be this week, we would have heard something about it from mobile phone websites owners like eldar, esato etc like lasttime, when SE or anyone else has press conference they give invitation so those who invited would have told something about it. I am only reason waiting for SE press conference if they going to announce the P1000, not to desperate recently got K700i
Posted: 2004-09-20 02:25:18
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maki101 Posts: 207

Eldar sayed that F700 will be in September,
and nothing more unfortunately
Posted: 2004-09-20 02:35:21
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ljf881 Posts: 105

According to Guarav311 in this linked thread on there probably will be a F700 (that's a K700 with upgrades, memory stick support maybe?), a K900 (new design, like the Nokia 8910) and maybe a z1600 (3G-phone, the "Viola" maybe?).[....]hread.php?t=11934&page=6&pp=50

I still hope there will be a 3G-phone with z500-design and bigger screen.

[ This Message was edited by: ljf881 on 2004-09-20 08:41 ]
Posted: 2004-09-20 08:44:34
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Elrond Posts: > 500

We will see if it's true this week. I hope for K700 clamshell with MSD support and EDGE.
Posted: 2004-09-20 09:09:00
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rraz9228 Posts: 145


Guarav311 didn't say anything about F700 being clam. he said its a restyled K700 with some changes but not clam. he mentioned about a new clam coming too and it starts with Z1xxx.
Posted: 2004-09-20 09:22:41
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ljf881 Posts: 105

You are absolutely right...hmmm, to early in the morning... Wonder where I got that from? Sorry, I'll try tol edit my post...

Posted: 2004-09-20 09:37:54
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