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jh67 Posts: > 500

Epedemic : the bluetooth battery (connectivity pack) for 6210 wont work.
The bluetooth package is ONLY meant for DATA-use, NOT headsets.
6210 will not work with bluetooth headsets.

It works with e.g. pc-cards, usb-adapters, and so on, but not headsets.

On Nextlinks site under "bluespoon", you can click "compatibility", and the phones which can use the Bluespoon is shown.

T-28 with adapter is on this page too, will work
And Nokia 6310, Ericsson models T-39,T-68,R520.

We're running different tests at the moment with different phones and adapters. I'll let you know which phones are compatibly, as soon as testing is done.

A lot of people want more info,..and I can understand that, do I

I'm really working on it for you guys


Posted: 2002-01-28 16:06:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

The interview that the danish magazine MOBIL did with Nextlink and me, are on the Mobil-homepage now.

Its in danish, but I guess You swedish and Norwegian guys can read it

The articles: Fra arbejdsløs til bluetooth-designer.

And the article : Bluespoon.

It does say something about pricing, but then its ONLY an approx-price 2000.
Just as I said earlier,..the price has not been confirmed yet, in ANY way
SO dont count on this price.

The interview basically tells the story of Bluespoon..and me


Posted: 2002-01-28 17:15:00
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owizard Posts: 59

Hi Jan,

Can you please post translations of these articles for the benefit of people in the English-speaking world? Thanks a lot.

I wish I knew Danish.....
Posted: 2002-01-28 23:42:00
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atcgmbh Posts: 2

Dear Jan,
just send an eMail to nextlink today. Really enthusiastic to sell this hopefully marvellous product in germany, hopefully will in few weeks working samples and then hundrets of pieces to sell in germany.
For the price tag: it would be very good if the enduser price is below 200 EURO (including 15-20% tax according to different EU countries), otherwise it would be too high for (small) mass market.
Posted: 2002-01-29 22:38:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

Hi Jan.

Glad you and Nextlink got so much publicity in Denmark. The press in Norway have not mentioned Bluespoon (yet), but I hope they will soon. Keep up the good work! We're all waiting!
Posted: 2002-01-29 23:14:00
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atcgmbh Posts: 2

Hi All!
Just spoke with somebody at nextlink in Denmark, they confirmed that there will be working samples available in Februar, but they also pointed out, that mass production will not start before April
So, we need a lot patience unfortunatly...
Posted: 2002-01-30 14:55:00
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owizard Posts: 59

Thanks for the update Tony. I hope you get a working sample soon.
Posted: 2002-01-30 15:06:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

Yep,..pre-released version for the press and so on, will be out in February.

As I wrote earlier, there're a lot of aspects in releasing a new product. We have to have e.g. the right materials, and everything has to fall into place, at the right time too.

Of course, everybody hopes that we'll be able to release the Bluespoon as fast as possible,..including the guys here at Nextlink.
But we dont want to make any mistakes, or sell a product, that we dont feel is finished and working perfectly.

We just finished testing the microphone-part, and it worked out very well indeed

We work as hard and fast as we can.

And I will keep updating you guys and girls, as fast as I can


Posted: 2002-01-30 16:55:00
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johanch Posts: > 500

So what you are telling us Jan, is that the Bluespoon will not be available for us before April???
Please say that's not true
Posted: 2002-01-30 17:29:00
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jh67 Posts: > 500

Johan : No thats not what I'm saying at all.

We dont know the release date yet. The date have not been planned

Saying that it would be April, is of course, to be on the "safe side".
Something could go wrong,..e.g. materials are not delievered at the right time,..and so on.

In the danish interview, the price said "around" 2000. Its the same thing,..its just to be on the safe side.

It depends on a lot of different things, as I wrote before. Of course, everybody here are working hard on the release,..we all want the Bluespoon out, as soon as its ready. And if everything goes right, it will work out that way


Posted: 2002-01-30 17:59:00
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