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General discussions : Rumours : Just receive new SE model - they think that it is killer )
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Memzee Posts: 399

It looks similar to something else, not Clara, and it would have helped if you added that it was just something someone made up. =/
Posted: 2004-12-09 00:05:49
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

It was something someone made up.

It would help everyone if the proper pictures were posted
Posted: 2004-12-09 00:10:21
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Memzee Posts: 399

Newsflash: New style connector means that user can hotplug the phone directly to PC, plug&play (via USB?) and browse files on the phone and MSD card.

USB cable included with Eldar's pre-release model - Clara can be used as Flash Drive without additional software/drivers!
Posted: 2004-12-09 21:34:53
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wapchimp Posts: > 500


Your resident wap guru (and chimp)

[ This Message was edited by: wapchimp on 2004-12-09 20:52 ]

[ This Message was edited by: wapchimp on 2005-03-12 17:55 ]
Posted: 2004-12-09 21:47:05
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

A T290... Is that the new ?
Posted: 2004-12-09 21:50:29
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Memzee Posts: 399

Haha - next pic.

Posted: 2004-12-09 21:52:26
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billy Posts: 135

whats new with t290? wapchip pls enlighten us!
Posted: 2004-12-09 21:52:31
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wapchimp Posts: > 500

basic phone - nothing 2 get excited about

Your resident chimp

[ This Message was edited by: wapchimp on 2005-03-12 17:55 ]
Posted: 2004-12-09 21:54:57
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Universal Exports Posts: > 500

Yes... But that wasn't news was it? Sry if I just misunderstood you.
Posted: 2004-12-09 21:57:21
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vanquish Posts: > 500


come on ppl call urself esato members, this is old news!

let's stay on topic, the t290, nor the j200 are what this guy is talking about!

Posted: 2004-12-09 22:32:35
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