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mrao Posts: > 500

big black nimus and cumulonimbus clouds.

The density of moisture in the atmosphere...
Posted: 2005-06-20 18:11:00
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211

. . . Is the humidity

In that case humanity means . . .
Posted: 2005-06-21 06:29:00
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Bjerkebanen Posts: > 500

weat unddies! Witch can make an awfull.....
Posted: 2005-06-21 10:27:55
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211

....smelling powders..

The hardest thing to resisit is....
Posted: 2005-06-22 07:25:28
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... is being assimilated by the borg.

When you learn to look down ...
Posted: 2005-06-22 07:42:57
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211 will forget to look up

The path of easy is....
Posted: 2005-06-22 08:08:34
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blackspot Posts: > 500

... is a path that is probably boring.

Resisting temptation is like ...
Posted: 2005-06-22 10:48:43
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SsTiTcH Posts: 173

No Fun... Never trust a ....
Posted: 2005-06-22 11:45:00
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chili Posts: > 500

.... beggar that calls you "fadda, I'm a Cat'lic."

The Esato Luddite-Amish
by Chili Palmer

Shadows played on her pale English face
Like gossamer wind in tree-shaded days

Flickering candle-light that swayed like a swan
The idea of fluorescent's an abhorrent one


She kept in her pocket a P910i
Concealed in large folds lest it catch the eye

She kept in the forest her charger and batt
Spent there two hours beneath a large hat

God is her God but Esato's her Church
Using GPRS, she logs on as....
Posted: 2005-06-22 11:57:01
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rajasekharan_v Posts: 211

...which went on for a whole long day and finally came to a halt

The brightest side of the day is.....
Posted: 2005-06-22 17:44:12
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