Esato Mobile
Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: Anything between £35 - £40
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rajiv Posts: 147

After eventually selling the s700i i'm just looking for something basic until i get a new phone. Would like a nokia and something with Bluetooth but its not compulsary.

Anyways anything you have i'm ready to listen to within the price range specified.

Posted: 2005-08-09 17:43:49
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50Cent Posts: > 500

got a used 7210 here
Posted: 2005-08-09 17:46:19
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rajiv Posts: 147

Thanks 50, i'll see what else is available & get back to you
Posted: 2005-08-09 17:49:29
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50Cent Posts: > 500

ok cool

Posted: 2005-08-09 17:50:29
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rajiv Posts: 147

Anything else at all?
Posted: 2005-08-09 19:41:24
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gregface Posts: > 500

im sure there will be a lot of 3100s on offer by the end of the week, probably lower than your price range mind.
Posted: 2005-08-09 20:51:42
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rajiv Posts: 147

Thanks Greg but i'm looking to buy something in time for thursday.
Posted: 2005-08-09 21:02:04
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max99 Posts: > 500

got t68
Posted: 2005-08-09 21:11:00
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rajiv Posts: 147

Anything else at all?
Posted: 2005-08-09 23:56:48
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euqiddis Posts: 80

got a unlocked boxed, 6510.
let me know.
Posted: 2005-08-10 12:37:52
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