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judge Posts: > 500

Ok, so I went ahead and bought a Z800 which my girlfriend is happily using. But...

You have all these nice options to insert a contact's company, title and information. Here's the question: how the heck do I get the Z800 to display these images?!

Apparently the Z800's phonebook (unlike the P910's and T39m's) does not allow you to "enter" a contact and display it with all its numbers and info, instead it directly dials the number listed under the name. Pressing does not solve it, since it will only go through the numbers, and will not display the info that i need.

Please tell me that there is a solution to this... Otherwise, what is the point of being able to insert all that extra info if you can't use it? Just display it on the computer after synchronizing?! That's bull...
Posted: 2005-08-22 07:55:44
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Vlammetje Posts: > 500

Odd! Mine does not dial the first number listed per contact and I can use to view other numbers per contact

Posted: 2005-08-22 09:22:10
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judge Posts: > 500

No Vlam, I can use to change the numbers, what I mean is that I cannot "enter" the contact too see the numbers all together and see the other information that I'm interested in, i.e. Company and Title.

This is quite important... I really need to be able to see the company the contact is working for without having to edit the contact.
Posted: 2005-08-22 10:46:42
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arnoldc Posts: > 500

i share your sentiments. being a phone, it is only interested in showing you the numbers and not the additional information unless you go to edit. maybe it's time to upgrade the 'phonebook' to real 'contacts'
Posted: 2005-08-22 10:50:56
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