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Chrille_Gbg Posts: 3

How can i measure my 3G connection speed?
My phone is SE Z800i.
Posted: 2005-09-12 07:21:53
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Chrille_Gbg Posts: 3

Maybe someone now about a website that i can visit to measure the connection speed.
It should be a site that workes for mobilphones.

I use swedish Comviq/ Tele 2 and i get the feeling that my 3G/UMTS connetction speed is not faster then GPRS.
I can see on the phone that i have connection with the network "Sweden3G".

Posted: 2005-09-14 13:23:44
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wapt Posts: > 500

If possible uploading or downloading on a PC through the 3G connection, it is easy to see application data rate. This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2005-09-17 07:47:03
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mikeb Posts: 98


easiest way for anyone in Sweden is to use a PC, connected via your 3G phone and the program tptest.

The program is actually meant to be used for testing broadband connections at home (e.g. DSL).

But if you use your Z800 as a modem and connect your PC to the internet via your Z800, tptest will work fine.

I have done this myself, I have a Z800 + Telia as 3G operator.

tptest gave me approx. 56 bkit/s in the uplink (the WCDMA radio interface only supports 64 kbit/s uplink, so 56 is pretty much the max end user data throughput when you take the radio overhead into account).

I got approx. 120 kbit/s in the downlink. However I was connected to the Z800 via bluetooth which in the Z800 is implemented as a serial port. So actually it was most likely the bluetooth connection limiting my speed.

I need to retest using the USB cable, but have not had time yet.

For people outside Sweden, tptest will work for you also. However all the tptest servers reside on the major Swedish ISP networks and so you will be at the mercy of the Internet and so the speed measurement may not be 100% accurate.

Finally, for tptest to work you need a connection to the internet. For some 3G operators (e.g. 3) you do not get a connection to the internet, you sit in a "walled garden" in which case tptest will not work for you.


/Mike B.
Posted: 2005-09-17 09:12:45
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Dj Boyi Posts: > 500 This message was posted from a K700i
Posted: 2005-09-17 10:17:08
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Chrille_Gbg Posts: 3

Thanks for the tip Mike and Boyi.

I have tried both ways.

First TPtest:
I used my PC to connect to TP test and i got connection speed 56kB/s down once and then it "timed out".
I then have tried several times with different settings and it always times out!!
It does not work or speed is to low.

Second i tried
I always get different results.
If i use different file size to down/up load it always gives different results.
Anyway the result with 600k is always not higher then 50-60kB/s.

According to info found on internet GPRS should have up to 174kB/s and 3G (UMTS) up to 384kB/s.

Question is what connection speed could i expect from Comviq/Tele2?!
I have tried several different settings found on Tele2 page.
I have also tried settings automatically generated when i install PC connection.
As Comviq/Tele2 is building 3G network togheter with Telia it should work well.
They are two of the biggest network operators in Sweden.
Their joint company i guess is called Sweden3G as this is what appears on my mobile screen.

Does anyone know if and how i can get connection speed to get close to the teoretical techical speed?


Posted: 2005-09-21 17:31:19
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