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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: a mobile phone which can record lectures etc
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LeTallec Posts: 12

a mate is going to do him masters and needs a phone which can record lectures in an mp3 format or similar
Posted: 2005-09-17 20:24:27
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

Wow i was just thinking off this, not sure about a phone for the job but if you mate has an ipod then how about buying a griffin italk for it. Around £20 from ebay.

I am getting one to record my classes at college.

Posted: 2005-09-17 20:28:23
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whistla Posts: > 500

Iriver H320 or H340, best recording mp3 avaliable at the mo.
Posted: 2005-09-17 20:42:54
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whistla Posts: > 500

I have for sale a Siemens SX1 which can voice record, nt sure on the exact specs, have a look at siemens website. Its for sale on ebay, the link is:[....]pagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1
Posted: 2005-09-17 20:46:16
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Vein Posts: > 500

Get a proper dictaphone. Don't use a mobile device as the recording quality is crap.
Posted: 2005-09-17 21:01:20
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jensenh1 Posts: 125

dictaphone will be rubbish too unless you ask the lecturer to strap it to his head with an elastic band!
Posted: 2005-09-18 11:54:01
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