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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: (latest Nokia models)
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qq7 Posts: 1

Hi there

I want someone to trade with, I will buy about 5-10 mobiles each week. I'm thinking of Nokia 8800 & N91 etc.

BUT: I would like to sure about that the phones are totaly unlocked from factory , with all accesories you nees, compatible with all networks , with 1-2 years full international warranty assured by the manufacturer. I'll will definitely can use it in Denmark?

I want them send to Denmark but I wont do payment through Western Union so please dont contact me if you want to trade that way.
I prefer[....]elect/sending/options/cod.html
But if you got an alternative method which is safe for both of us pls tell me.

My mail is:

Posted: 2005-09-28 00:42:26
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