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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : v802 dead external lcd and dying internal lcd
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enginenr9 Posts: 5

not sure how this happened, i was out in the sun all day, but the phone was in my pocket. at the end of the day i noticed that external lcd was totally dead (black with blue streaks), and there is a growing patch of dead pixels on the internal lcd (maybe 10% of the screen).

what are my repair options? anyone know of a place that sells sony ericsson lcds? i called and emailed se north america, but they said they won't service the phone because it is not a north american phone. any ideas?
Posted: 2005-10-11 08:28:30
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

If anything that sounds like pressure damage, something like if you had the phone in your back pocket and sat on it. Was it a really hot day? I've left my phone out in the sun before without any problem.... but then again I do live in the UK and it doesn't tend to get too hot here!

If the phone's not covered under warranty, you could go to a phone shop or service centre for repairs or to get a quote. If it's too expensive, and the internal LCD's still useable, it could be a case of living with the phone as it is, or buying a replacement. You'd get a few bucks though selling the phone on Ebay as it still otherwise fully works, and is repairable (though a replacement screen could be pricey).
Posted: 2005-10-11 10:06:41
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enginenr9 Posts: 5

yeah, it seems like pressure damage, but i can't figure out how it happened. it was in my front pocket and at no point did i sit on it or drop it. the day wasn't terribly hot but i was in direct sunlight for most of the day. still, it's a japanese phone, surely if they are designed to withstand the horrible japanese summer they could handle a warm day in northern california.

the phone should be under warranty, but in japan. se japan doesn't do direct service, you have to go through the service providers. i've already canceled my japanese service contract, not to mention unlocked and debranded the phone, so i don't think vodafone jp would be willing to help. i guess i'll have to buy replacement lcds.

Posted: 2005-10-12 00:21:19
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