Esato Mobile
Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: 6680
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Must be in great condition.
I understand these arn't easilly unlocked, obviously i would like it, but if not then please state the network.

Posted: 2005-10-22 18:11:26
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SE-Naz Posts: > 500

Posted: 2005-10-22 18:16:16
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Cheers m8, PM replied
Posted: 2005-10-22 23:47:37
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Bump still looking.
Posted: 2005-10-23 20:10:14
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Got one, please lock
Posted: 2005-10-24 03:03:16
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