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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : Vodafone Japan 3G data question
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slyguy Posts: 8

Hi I use Vodafone Japan and have an 802se. Does anyone know what data speed I would get if I used the phone as a "data modem". Ie hook up the phone to the computer via USB or bluetooth. And do I have to do anything different to set it up. Right now, I just have it set up as the v80se bluetooth modem driver hooked up to a bluetooth com port. Finally what is this called? I hear words like EDGE, UMTS. GPRS, HSCD.. I am not sure what the difference is in any of them.

Thanks in advance.

[ This Message was edited by: slyguy on 2005-10-31 04:26 ]
Posted: 2005-10-31 05:26:34
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