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Market : Mobile phones wanted : LF: RazR V3 any colour
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Hey all, looking for a V3 for mums christmas pressie, any colour will do, would prefer pink but I just havn't got that much money.
So black or silver, or pink if it's a good deal

Not *too* bothered bout simlock, but obviously if it is locked it's not worth as much as an unlocked one.

Must be in very good condition, boxed with everything etc.

Posted: 2005-12-06 21:25:36
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Mike.P® Posts: > 500

Got a silver and a black one.
How much you looking to spend?

Posted: 2005-12-06 21:30:01
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

As little as I possibly can......then again everyone is I guess.

Could you PM me a rough price m8?
Posted: 2005-12-06 21:42:17
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Ridahz Posts: > 500

me bros got a mint condition black 1 that hes willing to part with a right price boxed up with all the bits brand me ya offer. cheers
Posted: 2005-12-06 21:58:22
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Just so people know, these can be bought for £99.99 on Orange, so I'll be looking to spend a little less then that.

Thats for a black 1 too

[ This Message was edited by: ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ on 2005-12-06 21:48 ]
Posted: 2005-12-06 22:46:40
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ÈL ® ö B ì Ñ Posts: 281

Posted: 2005-12-07 18:16:01
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