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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

How in the hell do you delete e-mail messages?

According to the manual, I should mark messages I no longer want for deletion, then "connect to the server" (ie. manually send & recieve) to delete them... But the only thing this does is checks for new messages!

On my Z1010, after marking messages for deletion, I click More-->Clear inbox, which removes all of the marked-for-deletion messages from my inbox, with or without sending & receving (it asks me which I want to do)!

It's driving me nuts, 'cause the manual's method doesn't work and the Z800i doesn't have a "clear inbox" option...

I'm up to 50 messages!
Posted: 2005-12-08 08:01:12
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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

Okay- my phone just suddenly decided to give me the "Clear inbox" option, for no apparent reason...

Must've been a glitch.
Posted: 2005-12-08 09:52:56
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Rekoil Posts: 36

lol youve got the 3 firmware eh (R1Y005). its filed with bugs. you can upgrade for free with davinci with the usb cable you got from 3 though not decustomize or unlock that costs extra
[ This Message was edited by: Rekoil on 2005-12-08 09:09 ]
Posted: 2005-12-08 10:08:33
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CybaCowboy Posts: 314

Actually, I've found the "3" firmware to be quite reliable (on the Z800i anyway)...

Although I've only had it two days, I've only had this one small glitch and the handset crash only once!

The "3" firmware on my Z1010 however, well that's another story...

That was terrible!

I could write a novel based on the problems the "3" firmware has on the Z1010!
Posted: 2005-12-09 06:35:39
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branky1 Posts: 36

You just open file manager in menu, then open more,open memory info, go to e-mail, open and go to recaived mails, open and you have choice to delete all or partial.
Posted: 2005-12-10 23:53:00
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Rekoil Posts: 36

there are alot of missing features tho on the 3 firmware from what my sister has with her k608i (she has 3 firmware too)
Posted: 2005-12-12 04:52:20
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fparri Posts: 18

you can upgrade for free with davinci with the usb cable you got from 3 though not decustomize or unlock that costs extra.
Is it possible for Z1010, too?
Posted: 2005-12-15 11:18:02
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