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vanquish Posts: > 500[....]dfa47034b4532ea&showtopic=2560

copyright se-nse and/or M-R

Designer @ - The New Look is here!
(3333+ posts) (+8 -0)
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[ This Message was edited by: vanquish on 2006-01-07 14:36 ]
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:11:47
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joebmc Posts: > 500

Its that a psp on the bottom icon?

Nokia 3210-->Nokia 3310-->Nokia 8210-->Panasonic GD67--> T68m(i)-->T610-->k700i-->P800 -->Moto Razr v3 (black)-->Nokia 6030--> S700i
my ebay items

[ This Message was edited by: joebmc on 2006-01-07 14:32 ]
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:13:10
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

well it isnt orange which is an improvement!

not sure about the middle buttons though?
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:15:55
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thanasis Posts: 204

If it is real then i have to say that it looks amazing!
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:18:37
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50Cent Posts: > 500

clearly photoshopped...... dont think its real
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:19:55
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S4k1s Posts: > 500

That is a weird K+W-series mix. Looks real though.
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:25:53
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vanquish Posts: > 500

i wouldnt post up the photos here cos i might get told off

just visit the link pls joe thanks

and yes it does luk lyk a psp icon.

supposedly SE are going to change everything come the midle of this year. i have no idea what, but it looks like some kind of connection with sony devices or something, like an interface change. interesting.

it sure looks cool, but no joystick!

Designer @ - The New Look is here!
(3333+ posts) (+8 -0)
Phone collection, past and present:
V600i W800i K750i K700i K500i P800 T200 Z200 W550i V800 Z520i T300

[ This Message was edited by: vanquish on 2006-01-07 14:32 ]

[ This Message was edited by: vanquish on 2006-01-07 14:35 ]
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:31:10
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joebmc Posts: > 500

Posted: 2006-01-07 15:32:30
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vanquish Posts: > 500

no its fine! but you know ... scotsboyuk might give me a spanking

but remember, those photos that came out on the UCSE forum of the K750, it was black and then another was orange next to it. the orange one was clearly photoshopped so everyone forgot about the black one and it turned out to be true, the K750 was exactly what it looked like on that 'photoshopped photo'. so even if it is photoshopped, it could be an insight into the future of
Posted: 2006-01-07 15:34:18
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S4k1s Posts: > 500

This is a UIQ3 phone guys!
Look here
Posted: 2006-01-07 17:30:18
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