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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : z800 / v800 recent problems with hutchison three services ( sdf error) ???
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paulpbrown Posts: 2

Any helpers out there.

I have a debranded / unlocked V800. This was working fine on Three for 3g content in the UK for a good few months using the Three Services homepage as:

Then - mysteriously - it just stopped working. Three homepage comes up but only with default content (not daily updated) and when you go to services you get an "SDF Error". I tried various other Hutchkeys (for C975 etc.) and none fix it.

If you can get to an underlying page (like the footie) with a direct link then the content is correct. Though oddly quickplay has stopped working (URL not found) but a download of a video is fine.

One theory I've heard is that Three are checking the model of the phone in the initial handshake and they know it's not supported so you get the error. Also, the hutchkey pages don't seem to exist at all anymore if you google them (they used to).

Any one experienced same/similar and fixed it? Hopefully, as the V800/Z800 is a great handset. Anyone know if the W900i will be on Three in the UK and when???



[ This Message was edited by: paulpbrown on 2006-01-15 14:16 ]
Posted: 2006-01-15 15:14:43
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MrZippy Posts: 151

I randomly get this error on my standard K608i.

Would seem silly them blocking you accessing from another phone, as they charge for most content.

Then again on that note why do they limit the WAP site you can visit with their mobile websites service, if you could view more they would charge you for more data!

Good old 3, can't wait to leave them...

[ This Message was edited by: MrZippy on 2006-01-15 15:16 ]
Posted: 2006-01-15 16:15:17
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paulpbrown Posts: 2

I guess the 'logic' on blocking non-supported handsets would be that the quality of your experience might be lessened if it's not the right screen size etc.

They want to finally release some nice handsets then people wouldn't need to use unsupported ones!
Posted: 2006-01-16 09:19:48
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