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m14a_mclaren Posts: 39

Hey, I got a V800, when ever I start it up all I get is a white screen, I can ring it and i hear it ring and and all I just can't actually see anything, I've disconencted the battery for like 20 minutes and it made no difference. external screen doesnt show anything. Please help
Posted: 2006-01-16 05:17:34
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Is it both screens doing this?

It's probably a connector problem. There's two ribbon connectors going from the phone's motherboard in the bottom of the phone to the screens in the top of the phone. It's probably just a case of the main screen connector coming loose and needing to be put back in properly. Either have a go yourself if you're feeling brave, or take it to a phone shop, it shouldn't be an expensive repair.
Posted: 2006-01-16 11:14:27
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m14a_mclaren Posts: 39

is it very hard? I do have the screwdriver for the screws on it. I googled it and it game up with a few hit about my problem, but all the solutions didnt work.
Posted: 2006-01-16 11:26:58
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m14a_mclaren Posts: 39

Lol, wtf? I took out the screws, decided that I should chuck the battery in to see if it works, and it works fine now. Must have been a connection that popped back in or something.
Posted: 2006-01-16 11:38:07
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Probably just a loose connection - it probably just needed the screen's ribbon connector pushing back into position slightly!
Posted: 2006-01-16 11:58:20
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m14a_mclaren Posts: 39

I tell a lie, it still does it. I'll have to take it apart and push it in better like you say. I'll follow that guide someone posted about taking a v800 apart. Cheers
Posted: 2006-01-16 22:26:03
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

Let us know how you get on!
Posted: 2006-01-16 23:29:43
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m14a_mclaren Posts: 39

I can't get the screen off, I'll end up just munting it, so i can't get the bottom off, looks like i'll have to pay someone half what I paid for the phone to fix it.
Posted: 2006-01-17 01:54:42
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Sammy_boy Posts: > 500

You shouldn't need to get the screen out, it's the connector on the bottom half of the phone that connects to the motherboard - there's no need to take the screen part out!
Posted: 2006-01-17 07:10:24
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kingmobilephone Posts: 86

agree with you it's ribbon cable problem possibly...

however, I got a V800 here having exactly the same problem...and no joy even I have re-fitted all ribbon cables inside the TOP / BOTTOM of the phone . .. >_
the trouble is's hard to get a ribbon cable here...

Posted: 2006-01-19 04:36:15
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