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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : V600i debranding and unlocking help please!
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iver.hoob Posts: 80

Hiya folks, ive got a v600i on the way (branded and locked to vodafone uk) ive got a DSS-25 as i have a p900. What do i need to do to get the v600i unlocked and unbranded to work with 3uk?? Ive done a search and come up with blanks everytime! also would the sw in the v600i stop me from using any of 3's services??

Also would it be benificial to put k608i fw on it??
I look forward to recieving your help
Posted: 2006-02-18 13:33:22
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iver.hoob Posts: 80

Is there noone who can help me with this???
Posted: 2006-02-19 03:09:50
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619 Posts: > 500

Yes use This message was posted from a Z800
Posted: 2006-02-19 07:23:12
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zarniw00p Posts: 8


I've just done exactly what your planning to do, the only problem you may have is if the handset it a CID49 (hardware revision i believe) as the davinci team/ total multi server unlocking software does not currently support it.

de-branding to a K600i worked a treat and the phone is nice and fast now with all the voda crud gone!

i can post the three mms/wap settings if you like (i'm sure they are on this forum somewhere)

i've not seen k608i firmware available (as its three's own) and i cant seem to get to the three service wap site due to my handset being a k600i now so that may cause you a problem (i hardly ever used the online 3 stuff)

good luck!

[ This Message was edited by: zarniw00p on 2006-02-19 07:06 ]
Posted: 2006-02-19 08:05:34
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iver.hoob Posts: 80

Thanks for your help, So is it possible to use my DSS-25 that came with my p900 (labled on the bottom as DSS-25)?? Or will I need to use another cable? Im gonna need to get it debranded coz the voda stuff looks terrible! As long as mms works im not too bothered about the 3 web stuff
Posted: 2006-02-19 14:22:37
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iver.hoob Posts: 80

Oops, nearly forgot, How can I tell what CID version it is??
Posted: 2006-02-19 14:26:19
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zarniw00p Posts: 8

The MMS works fine, all you need to do to tell the CID is open the davinci client, click on the flash tab and then click on the button marked: Read CID/ test cable, it will then attempt to read the phones CID, there is also some specific drivers you need to install for the DSS sync station, instructions found here:

hope you get on ok!

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Posted: 2006-02-19 18:24:19
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iver.hoob Posts: 80

Brilliant stuff!! Thanks for your time will post results when phone arrives (hopefully tomoz or tues) gonna get it sorted asap
Posted: 2006-02-19 18:36:16
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mob453 Posts: 207

Address - (case sensitive)

thats on my k608i
Posted: 2006-02-20 00:28:12
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iver.hoob Posts: 80

will that work with the v600i once its been debranded??
Posted: 2006-02-20 02:49:51
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