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General discussions : Rumours : Picture Phonebook??
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Kungen Posts: 72

I have heard once again a rumour about the R2B software:

that you can have a picture of a contact in your phonebook...this doesen't sound likely...someone knows anything??
Posted: 2002-01-29 23:01:00
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Orka Posts: 310

I have hear it but I don't know if it is true. I suppose that you might be able to put a picture for a group of people instead for each one seperately. The phone can hold up to 510 entries. I don't think that we can also put lets say, 510 photos, one for each entry. I don't know how ericsson is going to implement this issue. But I am sure that they we do something for this.

Posted: 2002-01-29 23:18:00
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Harleydog Posts: 417

In Software version R1A-108; their is this feature. You can down load pictures and ***ign them to a contact. For example, you can download a picture of your girlfriend, and when she calls, her picture appears, its pretty cool
Posted: 2002-01-29 23:24:00
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Kungen Posts: 72

are you kidding me!!
I don't have those features on my phone..
lucky bastard
Posted: 2002-01-29 23:28:00
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trancedancer Posts: 206

I think this will work in the MMS-upgrade...but like You can only have a limited ammount of voicecommands, there will be a limited ammount of pictures You can have for Your contacts...
But still this is REALLY cool! I hope this will be the fact!!!
Posted: 2002-01-30 10:21:00
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Sony Ericsson Indonesia Posts: > 500

[ This Message was edited by: Sony Ericsson Indonesia on 2003-08-01 09:44 ]
Posted: 2003-08-01 10:34:24
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pachy Posts: > 500

Posted: 2003-08-02 02:58:31
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