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axxxr Posts: > 500

Microsoft is rumoured to be working on a new windows mobile OS,the eventual replacement for Windows Mobile 5.0 which is codenamed "Crossbow".

Posted: 2006-04-25 19:57:08
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mustafabay Posts: > 500

Now longhorn ended up being Vista (TM). What would crossbow end up being? Vroom vroom?
Posted: 2006-04-25 21:49:25
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Patasenko Posts: 25

I still can not believe that they named next Windows - Vista. Translated from Lithuanian it means hen.
Posted: 2006-04-25 22:14:59
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WelshTom Posts: 364

There is more infor on 'crossbow' over on axxxr's site and on Is it just me but microsoft are making a big thing saying crossbow will have built in IM but doesn't mobile 5.0 have built in IM in the form of Windows Messenger?
Posted: 2006-04-25 23:19:57
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ericharlz Posts: 67

I found that weird do.. they always mentioned about a built in IM, while the previous OS (even Smartphone 2002 and PPC 2002 already have a built in MSN Messenger). Could they be referring to IM that can host MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, GoogleTalk etc. like Agile and IM+?

EDIT.. just found this article.. maybe this is what they are talking about when they say buit in IM[....]e/story/0,10801,108667,00.html

"Fifteen operators, including China Mobile Communications Corp., Vodafone Group PLC, Orange SA, Telefónica Móviles SA and T-Mobile International AG, have joined forces to help kickstart the mobile phone IM initiative, which is being spearheaded by the GSM Association, the group said Monday at a press conference during the 3GSM World Congress.

The group also hopes to cooperate with Internet-based IM service providers, such as Microsoft Corp., America Online Inc. and Yahoo Inc., according to Vodafone CEO Arun Sarin. "We want to extend this service and make it a bigger experience for users," he said.

Microsoft, Yahoo and AOL already provide wireless access to their IM services, but this initiative's goal is to extend the availability and interoperability of wireless IM globally. MSN Messenger, Yahoo Messenger and AOL Instant Messenger don't interoperate, although Yahoo and Microsoft are working to build links between their services."

ericharlz ®

[ This Message was edited by: ericharlz on 2006-05-12 21:52 ]
Posted: 2006-05-12 22:47:37
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Uncle Bob Posts: 202

Al least Office is still just called Office. I have installed Office 2007 Beta 2 on my machine this morning and it's not too bad. This version will be available to the general puplic soon. (before you ask where I got it from - Bill pays my wages...)
Posted: 2006-05-13 01:16:33
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shaliron Posts: > 500

@Uncle Bob
How's the 'ribbon' on office working? I'm not to happy about Microsoft's need to make things simpler, they just don't work normally.
Posted: 2006-05-13 05:56:26
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Uncle Bob Posts: 202


Just installed it on Friday afternoon. Will play about when back at work on Monday and let you know.
Posted: 2006-05-13 21:16:26
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jmcomms Posts: > 500

Will Windows Mobile 6 finally ship with a decent web browser (to be fair to Microsoft, IE7 on the PC is pretty good)?

I'm sure someone within Microsoft has seen Opera (!) and got an idea on how to handle Javascript, frames, tables, image scaling and so on.

I laugh everytime I see a fantastic looking HTC smartphone with a huge screen, because you know it will still be running applications that are woefully inadequate for the hardware.
Posted: 2006-05-14 16:26:36
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Uncle Bob Posts: 202


I would have thought so, but I would not be able to say seeing as I'm an engineer and not a developer/programmer.

besides, i use firefox on my pc's - only time I use IE is when I use Shitrix as it does not work in Firefox.
Posted: 2006-05-15 00:32:24
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