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Reyman Posts: 6

Pretty self explanatory really.

Im having problems with real football 2006 and Gameloft want to know.

Posted: 2006-04-29 21:07:02
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

welcome here! use the joy and keypad for the following action:

rightt * left left * left *
Posted: 2006-04-29 21:24:24
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Reyman Posts: 6


I'm in software info and i've got no idea what im looking for!
Posted: 2006-04-29 21:53:50
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

whats the problem actually?
Posted: 2006-04-29 21:59:33
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Reyman Posts: 6

In 2006 real football the soft keys dont work.
Posted: 2006-04-29 22:37:43
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

never played that game, might be that the game itself is guilty.
Posted: 2006-04-29 22:39:54
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Reyman Posts: 6

Gameloft want my firmware version to find out what the problem is.

Good game tho, worth £3 (Even if it doesn't work properly on my phone)
Posted: 2006-04-29 22:51:36
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

well, then email them teh fw verion. did u find it? its in the service menu ( the one i ponted u before ).
Posted: 2006-04-29 22:52:56
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Reyman Posts: 6

In software it says

prgCXC 1250074_EU_2_

Is that it?

Posted: 2006-04-29 22:58:03
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

r2k005, thats right.

check this out:
Aquila non capit muscas-Cand. Mag Mt. S.V.P.E.N. MTL -/// 4ever!

/// Ericsson Forum

[ This Message was edited by: BobaFett on 2006-04-29 22:01 ]
Posted: 2006-04-29 23:00:33
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