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axxxr Posts: > 500

Yet another Apple iphone rumour,take this with a pinch of salt!

engadget article

Posted: 2006-08-03 13:02:57
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whistla Posts: > 500

What next! iToilet - all you want from a toilet with all the features of an armchair :S
Posted: 2006-08-03 13:07:06
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shaliron Posts: > 500

Hmm, highly doubt it. Looks far too long to be practical. Who in their right mind would buy it as well. Just a photoshop mish-mash.
Posted: 2006-08-03 13:10:48
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haynesycop Posts: > 500

Not liking the look of that one, i think if it is true and apple are making a mobile it will be much much better than that, they have never let me down on design yet.

Posted: 2006-08-03 13:11:41
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Evil Eye Posts: > 500

On 2006-08-03 13:07:06, whistla wrote:
What next! iToilet - all you want from a toilet with all the features of an armchair :S

i second that.
btw what a shitty design
Posted: 2006-08-03 13:38:00
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Luke-the-magic-man Posts: > 500

I like this design, it seems very realistic of apple

i saw a awsome concept the other day, was really nice, will try to find pics now

looks pretty f**k!ng sweet

Kick boxing Robots - Holy shit!
Looking for iPod/apple accessories
I am a mac fanboy

[ This Message was edited by: Luke-the-magic-man on 2006-08-03 22:21 ]
Posted: 2006-08-03 23:13:23
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Is it THIS one by any chance?..because thats got to be my favourite out of all the iphone concepts out there...The VIDEO is excellent!


[ This Message was edited by: axxxr on 2006-08-03 22:21 ]
Posted: 2006-08-03 23:17:50
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Luke-the-magic-man Posts: > 500

I like that one, but lets face it, its never guna happen (if it does im guna orgasm lol)

I want my apple fone!!!!
Posted: 2006-08-03 23:24:09
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Well rumour has it that Apple will make an official announcement for the iphone/ichat/italk/icall...whatever phone next week.

Have a look at THIS VIDEO of the iChat Mobile ..i don't know what to make of this..could this be real?
Posted: 2006-08-03 23:30:13
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axxxr Posts: > 500

Oh damm its a FAKE..should have known better.
Posted: 2006-08-03 23:33:17
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