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stevos Posts: 32

I am unsure whether i am getting 3g downloads or not, as it seems quite slow. Is there anyway to test the speed.

I have a k800i unbranded by devinci on orange.
Posted: 2006-08-21 14:53:55
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

Is the 3g icon shown? This message was posted from a WAP device
Posted: 2006-08-21 15:12:53
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JK Posts: > 500

Try this site... I dont trust it much though...

Posted: 2006-08-21 15:16:47
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kalleboo Posts: 218

What I did was to download a ~1 MB file, clock it with a stopwatch, and do the math. I ended up with 30 KB/s, or 240 kbps (compared to the theoretical 384 kbps).
Posted: 2006-08-21 15:31:08
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Kimi Posts: 293

That's not too bad. At least it is far more than normal GSM GPRS. I sometimes manage 36 kByte/s which is about 300kBit/s. But only if I'm very, very close to a base-station. Appart from that most of the time I have about 250kBit/s.
With internet you always have to consider overheads. Even with DSL this overhead is about 15%. So for 384kBit/s that leaves 326kBit/s for a wired connection. As GPRS and UMTS have some additional 5% overhead that leaves about 310kBit/s in perfect conditions - which we never have in real live.
Furthermore the PING times are also considerably higher for wireless connections in general. That means it takes longer until a server will respond on your requests.
Posted: 2006-08-21 15:41:30
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JK Posts: > 500

On 2006-08-21 15:31:08, kalleboo wrote:
What I did was to download a ~1 MB file, clock it with a stopwatch, and do the math. I ended up with 30 KB/s, or 240 kbps (compared to the theoretical 384 kbps).

Whats the time where live? It depends on the amount of users on at the moment...

Anything over 300 is decent I doubt youll get exactly 384!
Posted: 2006-08-21 15:41:49
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EagleRider Posts: 68

3G prices...

What price plan's r out there?

In Norway, one of the network charges about EUR2 pr.1MB of data. Is that comparable with the world?
Posted: 2006-08-21 16:03:27
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Kimi Posts: 293

Uh - for me that's cheap. Switzerland on Swisscom: 6.50€ per MByte.
But there are monthly plans like 45€ for 2Gbyte included etc.
Posted: 2006-08-21 16:09:41
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senninha Posts: > 500

i don't mean to make you guys feel bad but on my network here in the philippines, it costs less than US$0.20 for every 30 minutes. volume of MB's is not an issue.
Posted: 2006-08-21 16:17:10
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JK Posts: > 500

Ours is 0.30 Euros
Posted: 2006-08-21 16:22:02
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