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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : K610i in Japanese DoCoMo network?
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Aivar Posts: > 500

As we know NTT DoCoMo 3G network is a bit different from ordinary 3G network. This means that not all 3G phones are capable to work in DoCoMo network.

DoCoMo answered to my questions: K610i may or may not work in their network.

Has anyone been in Japan with K610i and tried this phone in DoCoMo network?

Posted: 2006-10-03 11:15:45
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goldenface Posts: > 500

I remember reading somewhere on here about someone who visited Japan and was surprised to find they could use there mobile there.

I'll see if I can dig it out. Meanwhile, there is a link in my signature to a 3G World Analysis thread.

Hope that helps.

Edit: Softbanks (formally Vodafone) network is WCDMA, which I would imagine the 3G K610i can roam upon.

Smartvas Settings 3G World Analysis Mobizines

[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2006-10-03 10:53 ]
Posted: 2006-10-03 11:51:14
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themarques Posts: > 500

I have used loads of SE phones in Japan, you will find that you mostly can log on to Vodafone KK, I have tried before to manually select DoCoMo but it was no go.

I am not sure with the agreement they have with 02 if this has changed so worth a try but might be a long shot.

Otherwise if you roaming your K610 should be fine on Voda.
Posted: 2006-10-03 12:14:43
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619 Posts: > 500

used v800/z800, k608 in japan.. on voda network
Posted: 2006-10-03 13:00:52
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lovewalrus Posts: 480

Try emailing NTT and asking then what frequency there 3G network operates on, then check the SE website to see if your phones 3G module also operates on the same! Hope this helps :-)

This message was posted from a K800i
Posted: 2006-10-03 14:28:27
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spine6 Posts: 453

Did anyone ever tried a p990i in japan??
Posted: 2006-10-03 14:35:13
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themarques Posts: > 500

All UMTS phones will work in Japan so that includes the P990i I very much doubt you can log onto DoCoMo's network but like I said things are changing in Japan every day so give it a try.
Posted: 2006-10-03 19:17:30
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darrengf Posts: > 500

Ok here we go.
First of all if your phone can see NTT DoCoMo then your phone is not the problem.

To answer the questions is yes The K610 will work in Japan.

3G network is based on the 2100mhz freq in all countried except USA.

USA 3G is Based on 1900mhz freq,

Your own provider has to have a signed agreement with the Company for it to work.

Here in the UK only Orange, T-Mobile have signed an agreement for both Voda Japan and NTT.
02 and Hutch *3* have an agreement with ntt
and voda has an agreement with Voda only.

Now i can see from the person who started the thread is from estonia, You currenlty have 3 networks in Estonia

Which has only signed an agreement with NTT. So this will mean you cant use Vodafone Japan.

Elisa Mobiilsideteenused AS
Has only signed an agreement with Vodafone Japan. So you will not be able to log onto NTT.

Tele2 Eesti AS
Has no agreement at all. So No Japan.

Vodaphone Japan has also now become SoftBank. However you phone will more than likely say Voda JP still.

**** Note on all the above ****

You must have International Roaming Enabeled from your network, Also if you on a PAYG (Pay as you go system) then currenlty you may not be able to use your phone in Japan. The above is based on you being a monthly contract customer.


Hope the above helps.

Any other questions then please ask,

[ This Message was edited by: darrengf on 2006-10-03 20:11 ]
Posted: 2006-10-03 20:16:17
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ofiaich Posts: > 500


Vodafone's Japanese site disappeared very recently...

type and you will be taken to the new SoftBank site


[ This Message was edited by: ofiaich on 2006-10-03 20:14 ]
Posted: 2006-10-03 20:27:23
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wapt Posts: > 500

K610i is capable to work in Softbank 3G (J-phone->Vodafone KK->Softbank) network in Japan. As Aivar said,DoCoMo network is a bit different from the stanard UMTS network. K610i does not work in DoCoMo.

This message was posted from a P800
Posted: 2006-10-04 03:01:29
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