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nalbagli Posts: 302

Apart from having a faster internet conection, does 3G have any other advantage?

Why does 3G make the battery drain faster?

That service is offered just in some companies?

Thanks, hope for replies
Posted: 2006-10-10 00:00:59
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

u can make video calls for example. the video call itself drains the batt faster, not that u use the umts system
Posted: 2006-10-11 10:17:19
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Red_Rach Posts: 424

Why does 3g work everywhere except in my house.....grrr!!!
Posted: 2006-10-11 10:21:24
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

here are many useful onfos about 3g
Posted: 2006-10-11 10:23:40
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goldenface Posts: > 500

On 2006-10-11 10:21:24, Red_Rach wrote:
Why does 3g work everywhere except in my house.....grrr!!!

I find that 3G only works in certain rooms in my house. I tried Orange3G first and had good coverage in all rooms but the data package prices were extorionate.

No I use t-mobile but only have coverage in 1 room. Strange!
Posted: 2006-10-11 10:52:18
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sn3ipen Posts: > 500

@Bobba The 3g itself drain more power then gsm. I dont know why but it does. So everytime i am in places without umts connection i always set the phone in gsm only mode to save the battery power. I can almost double the time between charging doing this.

@Red: The reason to why 3g is much faster then gsm is that the signal waves are shorter so therfor it wil not have the same range as gsm. Its like gsm compared to the old nmt network if you can remember? That is probably the reason to why you cant get it working inside your house. If you only have say one or two bars outside it will always drop some bars inside your walls. Specially if your walls is made of any kind of stone, betong, etc. Just like gsm.
Posted: 2006-10-11 10:56:43
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

i didnt realised, that the system itself, drains the fone. used the the same model in 2g and 3g systems aswell, got the same batt performance. probably it depends on the net quality aswell.
Posted: 2006-10-11 11:03:30
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Phoenixrises Posts: 6

3G Network Optimiser
Posted: 2006-11-21 18:32:50
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Phoenixrises Posts: 6

the phone uses more battery for several reasons. it is continuously talkingto multiple 3G sites at the same time (soft handover) while also scanning the 2G network. so, it uses more power because its talking to more networks/ sites. if it is ever stranded in a 2G only area, it will drain much quicker because it will desperately try to find a 3G network (every 500milli seconds)

also, as pointed out, it runs faster.. 384Kbps to be exact, as opposed to around 30 on GPRS.... ergo, the faster you drive your car, the more petrol you use.
Posted: 2006-11-21 18:37:21
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Kimi Posts: 293

I whish there would be a "Use 3G only" additional to "Use GSM only" and "Use GSM or 3G". Because the 3G coverage here is almost as good as GSM. So that would increase battery time considerably.

Because for 3G itself the power consumption is almost the same as for GSM, just slightli higer. But not double, as it seems to be right now...
Posted: 2006-11-22 11:30:09
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