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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : TV live with unbranded swiss voda. possible ?
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galdwyn Posts: 21

Hi all,

I have bought my W850i this week ^^ ... and debranded too now, I wanna now if someone could tell me that there is a way to see live tv anywhere (also if this not a voda site) ?

Technical support on swisscom tell me that the voda firmrware is "hard locked" with the possibility to see live tv.

Can I show tv on other net ?

How all "free cells" can use and watch tv on then ?

Ty all ^^
Posted: 2006-11-13 10:10:05
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Kimi Posts: 293

The "hard-locked" is somewhat true. I have a unbranded K610. BUT ...
Use this link in your WAP-Browser:

If an error message appears - close your browser, reopen it and try again. You might have to do this for about 10 times. As soon as it worked once it works for a few days. I have a K610 on Swisscom and using this trick I get it to work.

Not very comfortable though...
Posted: 2006-11-13 15:46:17
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galdwyn Posts: 21

arf after more than 20 tries ... nothing more happened than a "page error"
Posted: 2006-11-13 16:31:03
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Kimi Posts: 293

I tried now too - and it doesn' work any more ... It DID work! So there is no technical reason for it and this "hard-locked" blabla is just marketing to force people buying branded phones.
Ok - so I won't be using live-TV... I don't mind really as I didn't use it regularly anyway.
Swisscom is some sort of ...... but they have by far the best UMTS 3G Network here and I need that for business...
Posted: 2006-11-13 18:55:35
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