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benrk Posts: 31

Since I recently moved to Canada I'm very interested in having fancy phones here too, there's just not a whole lot available

In all the rumors I hardly ever see any bands mentioned, is there anything like a P990 "a" in sight?

Any high end clamshell that's quad-band/3G? Z520 is a good phone, but not exactly what I'm used to spec wise...

Cingular & Rogers are building 3G networks over here, but there's no SE that supports 850/1900 & 3G...

Hope somebody's got some good news for me
Posted: 2006-11-20 21:25:14
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scotsboyuk Posts: > 500


SE has been releasing more handset for North America lately, including a variant of the K800 (the K790a). It is entirely possible that new SE handsets may also be made available for North America.

The one thing I would say is that one isn't likely to see many, if any, 3G handsets for North America in the immediate future.
Posted: 2006-11-21 03:35:50
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benrk Posts: 31

Hey Scotsboy, ur still around?

Yea, SE's shown some more fones for N.A. never liked candybars too much though, so 790 is not fully an option, W/Z 710 is coming to the shops here now, but why doesn't the Z at least have an outside color display, I understand it with the W, but for the Z they could have put 1 in, would be a really different model of some sort then, not only different branding...

I'll still wait a little bit for a non-touchscreen smartphone, maybe I'm lucky, there is stuff in the pipeline now, if it wasn't for these different bands...
Posted: 2006-11-24 04:28:27
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