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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

After many tests and correspondence with Sony Ericsson and O2 I can confirm that O2 Pay and Go 3G is complete crap.

You are unable to send multiple texts when using O2 3G Pay and Go. This is not only on Sony Ericssons its all 3G handsets as my tests went onto the Motorola V3x and even Nokia N73. None will send a text which goes over a page in length. You can only send multiple texts if you have you're O2 3G Pay and Go USIM set in you're handset to use GSM (2.5G).

Strangely though, if you are a O2 3G contract customer you can send multiple texts using O2 3G settings in you're handset.

Why O2 say handsets like the Sony Ericsson K800i are available on both contract and Pay and Go I do not know as clearly on Pay and Go any 3G handset is not supported fully.
Posted: 2007-01-11 19:35:45
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Reply from Sony Ericsson about this issue:

Dear ************,

Thank you for letting us know about the outcome of your test in to where the problem lies. I can understand how frustrating it must be. I hope that yourself and every other O2 3G PAYG customer soon have a solution to this problem.

Best Regards,

Sony Ericsson Call Centre

O2 as per usual were trying to blame Sony Ericsson you see.

What are O2 going to do about it is the question - bugger all by the looks.

Thought I would mention this as it concerns all O2 Pay and Go customers with a 3G handset or people thinking of going with O2 for that matter.
Posted: 2007-01-11 20:58:48
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amawanqa Posts: > 500

There aren't just issues/ limitations related to O2 3G services.
Try getting O2 PAYG mobile internet settings and the like... they'll tell you that there are such 'limitations' if you're not on contract... buggers.
WAP and MMS settings no probz, though, but that's about it.

He who laughs last...thinks slowest.
Current phones: T39m, T610, T630, P900, Nokia 7600, Nokia N73.

[ This Message was edited by: amawanqa on 2007-01-11 20:19 ]
Posted: 2007-01-11 21:18:49
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

I know what you mean and one of these so called "limitaions" which is complete crap is O2 POP3 email.

Here is a quote taken from an email O2 customer service sent to me recently which I think is what you are mentioning as I have heard it all before from O2.

"There are certain services (eg POP3) that are offered to our Pay Monthly customers and not Pay and Go customers, as these services are supported by the tariff. But sending multiple text messages is same on both the tariffs."

Both the above comments made by an O2 representative are completely inaccurate, and more like crap to put it blunt.

Posted: 2007-01-11 21:29:17
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Simon N Posts: 71

Sits smiling.

I never did understand the appeal of pay as you go....and now I understand it less.

Get a contract and never look back; just upgraded on O2, 20 a month for 175mins 500 texts 1mb downloads and free w850i. Been with O2 for 3 years and they seem to reward loyalty which is a nice thing.

Posted: 2007-01-11 22:28:09
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Take out a contract with O2 on the basis that they can not provide a half decent pre-pay service?

I've been an O2 customer since O2 were formally Genie/BT cellnet, the only reason why they have customers is because of the freebies - you dont get any customer service.

Orange are better for contracts anyway, even T-mobiles Flext is very good. I'd rather be with them if I wanted a contract.

Oranges offer here is sure to win a lot of customers who wish to use Pay and Go as it is the exact same as what O2 online offer but with free evening calls for 2 years for only a tenner a month

Also Orange are currently offering a free sim for the above offer found here

Sounds good to me minus the stupid text issue.

Besides, I already have unlimited 24/7 local and national calls on landlines, WiFi phone for free long distance family and friends calls, Pay and Go suites me fine. I change my phone often and always go sim free so theres no horrid network branding plus the handset keeps its value better and cant be bothered to wait for a contract for a free upgrade. I think Pay and Go makes sense - it suites me

Above free sim offer finished - only £1 now mind

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2007-01-12 00:03 ]
Posted: 2007-01-11 23:10:39
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

tbh I get pretty cheesed off seeing how 02 have all these offers for PAYG customers, I think they should consider them less and people take out contracts, ive been with them 6 years I upgraded my tariff from a BT Genie one last month to a £25 per month 1000 off peak calls to any network, 1.0MB GPRS, 500 texts plus ive got 22mins with 02 treats daytime.

I think they've been looking at my records most recentley to as ive had a letter saying im entitled to free phone at the end of the year,

they gave me a Silver 007 K800i last Sunday for £30 aswell,

Posted: 2007-01-13 16:50:48
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

Which particular tariff are you on?

The only contract tariff that looks ok to me is O2 online 35 link here

But still Orange Dolphin 35 is better than that I would say

I disagree with you at Pay and Go customers should be treated unfairy because they choose to "Pay as they Go".

No matter what tariff you are on you should be able to use the same facilities and sending a multiple text is hardly rocket science - which other network has this issue with not being able to send multiple texts using a 3G service.

Another joke about the O2 3G service, my local O2 store has a 3G cell in it's back office yet 30 meters away from the store you have no O2 3G signal.

[ This Message was edited by: Toney_Ericsson on 2007-01-13 16:30 ]
Posted: 2007-01-13 17:16:49
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Miss UK Posts: > 500

Im on this one
all im saying is I think 02 should look after there Contracteed customers alot more cos they seem to be fobbing alot of us off when it comes to you PAYG lot

anyways they have sorted me out,
they were gonna charge me for a 3G sim at xmas becos i had a replacement a few month earlier but they didn't oviousley they have looked at my records and sent me a invoice with 0.00

im dieing to try Video calling with my phone but none of my mates has it enabled
Posted: 2007-01-13 18:19:53
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Toney_Ericsson Posts: > 500

How are O2 fobbing contract customers off, explain?

O2 are fobbing PAYG customers i.e "some services are not available cough cough crap"

I'm suprised you did'nt go for the 35 a month one, free calls all weekend (o2 long weekends)

Thats the only kind of thing I find appealing about a contract, not the free phone because thats just to get customers bound into a contract like any contract. Orange's version of the free calls is unlimited calls to a magic number which is actually better plus unlimited texts (capped at 3000) and 550 anytime mins on that Dolphin one.
Posted: 2007-01-14 16:27:22
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