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Mike2 Posts: 322

I know that this is a stupid question, but it doesn't hurt to ask

Let me start of by saying that I don't use 3G, simply because that I'm not paying for it (because I'm on prepaid), so I have set the phone to look only for GSM + GPRS signal and not UMTS.

However, my operator supports UMTS and Mobile TV. They had also installed their settings for MMS, GPRS etc, when I got my K800, and Mobile TV was also included there.

However, I'm wondering, do I need to have UMTS enabled to see a menu to watch TV?

The same thing happens with a Nokia N70. Bought it from the same operator, and settings came pre-installed. And one of these settings is "Mobile TV", and I still can't see any TV Menu. Also that one is also on prepaid, which means that it can't use UMTS, but still, shouldn't there be a TV Menu?
Posted: 2007-03-04 13:28:28
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antichrist Posts: > 500

i have watched tv on wap on k800. the sound was ok, but the video was very laggy. doh
Posted: 2007-03-04 14:34:11
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

ask for the streaming settings at your operator, than it should work

This message was posted from a E60-1
Posted: 2007-03-04 14:49:29
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Mike2 Posts: 322

Actually, I do have the streaming settings, like I said in my first post. They came pre-installed with my phone.

However, I can't find the TV menu.
Of course, that could be because I'm not connected to any UMTS network...

Do I have to do it via my operator's WAP Portal?
Posted: 2007-03-04 15:13:17
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BobaFett Posts: > 500

there is no tv menu, mostly its offered on the operators homepage
Posted: 2007-03-04 19:27:33
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Mike2 Posts: 322

Hmmm .. ok thanks

Looks like that they just want to steal our money by having to browse their WAP site...
Posted: 2007-03-05 16:18:55
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JK Posts: > 500

On 2007-03-05 16:18:55, Mike2 wrote:
Hmmm .. ok thanks

Looks like that they just want to steal our money by having to browse their WAP site...

Vlive is free and they even have free 2min movies to watch.
Posted: 2007-03-05 16:24:44
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goldenface Posts: > 500

Do quick search on here and you will find many links that offer TV - streaming picture quaity is not very good though.

The UK's Best Selling Phones

[ This Message was edited by: goldenface on 2007-03-05 15:47 ]
Posted: 2007-03-05 16:46:43
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aatuif Posts: > 500

Yes, TV is not an inherent option in phones. It is a service provided by the network operator. Here in india the streaming links are saved in the phone and automatically accessed later. There are some streaming options in real player. And regarding quality, it depends on the bitrate, higher the bitrate better is the quality. But your network bandwidth determines the bitrate. And phone's display features also count. There are lots of streaming links available, both on Esato and on other websites. Try searching and them post your experiences. Hope they are good.
Posted: 2007-03-10 16:22:00
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