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enh_cheung Posts: 28

Hey guys, Basically I am a bit confuse on what to do with my M600i IF I need some kind of repair.

In HK, we can just take it back to Customer Service of SE if we bought it directly from Sony Style or from service provider (e.g. 3, Orange...). They offer free firmware upgrade, free repair if faulty was caused by natural or fee charging repair for artificial fault, they even offer free dust cleaning if dust went into the screen...

But here in UK, I cant think of anywhere to get it fix (well, my M600i is 3 months old but already suffer from dust on screen problem =.=). My M600i is bought from What could i do if I want it fixed? I guess i cant take it to vodafone or o2 retail shop and ask them to fix it for me, can i??? Do I call

Posted: 2007-04-30 04:10:50
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aatuif Posts: > 500

mobileshop is your first bet...
Posted: 2007-05-02 12:23:00
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jcwhite_uk Posts: > 500

Talk to or goto your nearest Carphonewarehouse repair centre with your proof of purchase.
You can also call and they can get it repaired for you by means of you sending it away.
Posted: 2007-05-02 12:59:32
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enh_cheung Posts: 28


What are they exactly???

I thought they are only a company like phone4u who sell contract & phones.

From what you just said, is that means they are kind of the offical servicing/repairing company of SE in the UK?

That means I could take it there and get repaired even the handset wasn't bought from them??? Do they charge for repairing??? Do they provide firmware updating service???

Thank you very much
Posted: 2007-05-17 11:32:42
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