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Sony Ericsson / Sony : New to Esato? Please read this forum first : How did you find the site?
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johnnie Posts: 272

i found it from a megazine

Posted: 2002-11-25 09:57:00
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pachy Posts: > 500

I also "found it from a megazine"
Posted: 2002-11-25 10:03:00
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Jison Posts: 356

Searched and found Christersson and he has a link here
Posted: 2002-11-25 17:31:00
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penang Posts: 20

Accidentally found it while looking for free logos via Google search engine. Very interesting & knowledgable board.
Posted: 2002-11-28 07:50:00
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georgied Posts: 156

My good friend deadman told me about it...

And what a mine of information it has been for me...

[ This Message was edited by: georgied on 2002-11-28 10:14 ]
Posted: 2002-11-28 11:12:00
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orang3 Posts: > 500

a fren .. who was using t68 told me .
Posted: 2002-11-28 15:32:00
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neowolvrne Posts: 35

I knew that I wanted an unlocked T68i and I was doing some research on the T68i and I found this site on Google.

Pround owner of a unlocked T68i + MCA-20
Posted: 2002-11-28 21:02:00
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Andy. Posts: > 500

Via google.wap This post was posted from a T68i
Posted: 2002-11-29 00:40:00
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moldy Posts: 28

google searching: "t68i bluetooth" if i remember rightly.

top site.
Posted: 2002-11-29 00:51:00
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bravofly Posts: 153

to moldy: love your comment on nokia phones!
Posted: 2002-11-29 14:10:00
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