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Sony Ericsson / Sony : UMTS / 3G : P990 T9 text input is rubbish, how to change settings?
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jmg123 Posts: 2

The predictive text input on my p990i is crap. for instance if I want to type the word "do" (without quotes) it comes up as domino's because I onced included that word in a text. The annoying thing is that do is 7 letters shorter than domino's and I have to scroll down through 18 options to get to do, or I have to type dominos and then delete the extra characters.

Is there anyway to alter this so that it recommends a word of the same length as you have typed in by default? or is the sony T9 now suddenly crap, especially when compared to my w800i?
Posted: 2007-05-29 13:07:05
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abubakar Posts: 109

The whole point of the pred text is to reduce ur key punches. If u want to type a real short word like "do" type "d" "o" then space. The domino shouldnt show up. One thing i like about the pred text is that its adaptive. It monitors the words u use. In my case if u type "do", "dongle" shows up as an option 1st.
Posted: 2007-10-27 16:42:30
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korbindallis Posts: > 500

you obviously have not used a lot of T9 text input or else this problem would just be solved by adding the word "do" in (my words)

i have been using it since the T39m its SO GOOD that i can't do without it
Posted: 2007-10-27 17:02:23
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